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Featured photo: Support for Rwandan coffee growers

February 15, 2013

Shyara washing station owned by OPIC client Westrock Coffee Holdings’ Rwanda Trading Co. (“RTC”). OPIC political risk insurance is supporting RTC’s coffee processing operations in Rwanda, which provides agricultural extension loans, seed, fertilizer, compost and technical assistance to help small local coffee producers across the country improve production processes and access international markets. RTC is also providing technical assistance to help
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Meeting the global unemployment challenge

January 31, 2013

A report earlier this month from the International Finance Corporation (IFC) offered some staggering measures of worldwide unemployment. IFC said there are currently 200 million people unemployed around the world – a number roughly equivalent to the population of Brazil — and that the developing world will need to create some 600 million new jobs by the year 2020, just
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OPIC and the global microfinance industry

November 19, 2012

One of the core ways that OPIC carries out its mission to help channel private capital to address the world’s toughest development challenges is by working with microfinance institutions. In this guest post on the CGAP Microfinance Blog, Richard Greenberg and Loren Rodwin, Managing Directors, Micro and SME Finance at OPIC, outline some of the key ways OPIC is working
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OPIC earns a top rating for innovation in the federal government

September 10, 2012

Innovation has long been a core value at OPIC: It is reflected in the groundbreaking financial and insurance products we offer to support U.S. companies operating in some of the most challenging places on the planet, as well as in the way we conduct our internal operations. Recently OPIC was recognized for our ability to adapt to change by seeking
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A pivotal year for foreign affairs, a banner year for OPIC: Read the fiscal 2011 annual report

May 22, 2012

OPIC recently published its annual report for fiscal 2011, a year that OPIC President and CEO Elizabeth Littlefield describes as “a pivotal year for foreign affairs and a banner year for the U.S. Government’s development finance institution.” Littlefield’s full letter is preinted below, and the complete annual report is available on OPIC.gov. When I embarked on my first full year at
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OPIC: The bottom line

March 09, 2012

As the U.S. Government’s development finance institution, OPIC works with a lot of numbers. One of the numbers we are most proud of is the one on the bottom line of our income statement. In fiscal 2011, OPIC earned net income of $269 million.  And for the 34th consecutive year, OPIC helped reduce the federal budget deficit while operating at
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Elizabeth Littlefield on OPIC’s year-end results and impact

January 19, 2012

Can we advance U.S. development and foreign policy and make money for the budget at the same time? Yes. And we do.  Private investors such as entrepreneurs and members of diasporas are ready to invest in projects that build sustainable economies, opportunities and hope in developing markets, while creating jobs at home. U.S. companies see these high growth emerging markets
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Business as a force for good in the developing world

September 07, 2011

“There is growing optimism about business as a force for good in the developing world,” OPIC President Elizabeth Littlefield writes in the current issue of Innovations. “A new momentum is building along with this around a breed of private investor that aims to solve social and environmental problems while making a financial return – impact investors.” MIT Press, publisher of
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