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tabPrivacy Act Introduction 
The Privacy Act of 1974, as amended at 5 U.S.C. 552a, protects records that are retrieved by personal identifiers such as a name, social security number or other identifying number or symbol. An individual is entitled to access to his or her records and to request correction of these records if applicable.

The Privacy Act prohibits disclosure of these records without written individual consent unless one of the twelve disclosure exceptions enumerated in the Act applies. These records are held in Privacy Act systems of records. A notice of any such system is published on this Privacy System Notices page.

As with the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), the Privacy Act binds only Federal agencies, and covers only records in the possession and control of Federal agencies.
tabWho Can Submit a Privacy Act Request 
You must be a United States citizen or an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence to the U.S. to make a request for Privacy Act records.
tabWhat Kinds of Records the Air Force Maintains 
The Air Force maintains Privacy Act systems of records on individuals who are or have been affiliated with the Air Force (i.e. military members, civilian and contractor employees, and dependents).

A system of records is any group of records from which we retrieve information by a person's name or another personal identifier, such as a social security number.

Therefore, if you have had no affiliation with the Air Force, we would not be maintaining any records on you.
tabAir Force Privacy Act 
Air Force Privacy Act
tabHow to Make a Privacy Act Request 
There are no forms to fill out when submitting a Privacy Act request. Label your request "PRIVACY ACT REQUEST," on both the request and envelope; identify the specific Privacy Act systems of records you wish to have searched; and submit your request according to the requirements set forth under "Record Access Procedures."

Since Privacy Act requests must be signed, we cannot accept e-mail requests.

Please include your full name, date and place of birth, and as much detail as possible to identify the information requested or amended.
tabWhere to Send a Privacy Act Request 
All Privacy Act request must be submitted by mail directly to the appropriate Requester Service Center.  
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tabPoint of Contacts (POC)
Air Force Privacy and Civil Liberties Office (which includes Information Collection and Section 508 Compliance Office)
1800 Air Force Pentagon
Washington, DC 20330-1800

Point of  Contact:

AF Privacy and Civil Liberties Office
Phone: (703) 695-6622 (DSN: 225)

Information Collections and Section 508 Compliance Offices
Phone:  (703) 695-6130 (DSN:  225)

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