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Please see the below information to provide you with assistance to develop you SORNs and conduct your Breach reporting. If you have any questions regarding this site or any other information located on this site, please contact the Privacy Officer.

More information coming soon.
tabSystem of Records Notice (SORN) Templates and Samples 
A System of Records Notice (SORN)  is a legally binding public notification identifying and documenting the purpose for a system of records, the individuals covered by the system, the types of records in the system, and how the information is shared. SORNs are required by the Privacy Act of 1974 and are published in the Federal Register to provide the public an opportunity for comment. A SORN is only required if the information in a system of records is actually retrieved by a personal identifier.
The Privacy office is responsible for executing the Air Force Privacy Program, and to work in collaboration with the System Managers. This is done to ensure:
  1. Privacy Act records are properly described;
  2. Undeclared systems of records are identified;
  3. To provide Privacy Act Statements/Privacy Act Advisories;
  4.  The biennial SORN reviews and updates are completed;
  5. Submission of new SORNs and updates to the Defense Privacy and Civil Liberties Office are completed;
  6. Implementation of appropriate procedures and safeguards for all systems maintained under purview are maintained;
  7. All personnel with access to each system are aware of their responsibilities under the Privacy Act.
The various types of SORNs are:
  • Addition - new system of records
  • Alteration - Significant changes to an existing system of records
  • Amendments - Minor/administrative changes to a system of records
  • Deletion - May be due to decommissioned system or covered under other notice
To assist systems owners in the creation and submission process, below are several helpful links to document templates and samples.

Federal Register SORN Templates and Required Format - System Notice Format

Federal Register SORN Templates and Required Format - Narrative Statement

System of Records Checklist

SORN Categories Example of New System of Records Notice (SORN)

Air Force Preamble for Amendments

Helpful System of Records Notice information (DPCLO)

DoD Best Practices sheet

Samples: System of Records Notices Handouts

tabPrivacy Breach Reporting 
It is the responsibility of all Air Force employees to report within 1 hour of discovery any known PII breach to their Privacy Office. Privacy Officers will report to the Air Force Privacy Office within 24 Hours.

Taking a few simple steps daily to safeguard PII should become a habit. If you have questions or need further information, please contact the Privacy Office.

For breach reporting, please use the provided document below.
Privacy Breach Reporting

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