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Wheat Outlook: June 2012

by Gary Vocke and Olga Liefert

Outlook No. (WHS-12F) 17 pp, June 2012

Projected U.S. wheat supplies for 2012/13 are lowered 51 million bushels with reduced carryin and lower forecast winter wheat production. Beginning stocks are lowered 40 million bushels with a 10-million-bushel increase in food use and a 30-million-bushel increase in exports for 2011/12. The increase in 2011/12 food use reflects higher-than-expected flour milling during the January-March quarter as reported by the North American Millers’ Association. Exports are increased based on the strong pace of U.S. shipments during the final weeks of the old-crop marketing year.

Keywords: Production, Import, Export, Stocks, Wheat classes, Supply and Use, Harvested Area

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Last updated: Friday, June 15, 2012

For more information contact: Gary Vocke and Olga Liefert