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Gary Vocke

Agricultural Economist

Gary Vocke is a member of the Field Crops Branch, Market and Trade Economics Division. He is coordinator and lead analyst for ERS’s wheat market research program, which includes the monthly Wheat Outlook and the annual Wheat Yearbook. He also contributes to USDA's annual agricultural baseline projections.

Previously, as ERS’s Southeast Asian regional expert and lead analyst for the USDA baseline for the region, Gary analyzed the consequences of the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis for U.S. agricultural exports and assessed new market prospects for U.S. agricultural exports to Asia. When Gary joined ERS in 1984, he became project leader for the Agricultural Markets and New Technologies Project, which investigated the influence of economic development, technology transfer, and policy on agriculture and trade in developing countries. Gary's international experience beyond ERS includes 3 years as a consultant to the Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture and 2 years to the Thai Ministry of Agriculture.

Ph.D., Economics, Iowa State University (1977) B.S., Agricultural Business, Iowa State University (1971)

Selected Publications:
Gary Vocke. Global Production Shortfalls Bring Record Wheat Prices. Amber Waves, ERS, USDA, November, 2007.

Jean Buzby, Hodan Farah Wells, and Gary Vocke. Possible Implications for U.S. Agriculture From Adoption of Select Dietary Guidelines. Economic Research Report No. 31, ERS, USDA, November 2006.

Gary Vocke. "U.S. Wheat Competitiveness." Wheat Industry Summit Meeting, Lenexa, Kansas, September 7, 2006.

Gary Vocke and Mir Ali. Specialized Wheat Farms Earn Less Than Other Farms. Amber Waves, ERS, USDA, April 2006.

Demcey Johnson, Bill Lin, and Gary Vocke. "Economic and Welfare Impacts of Commercializing a Herbicide-Tolerant Biotech Wheat." Food Policy, Vol. 30, 2005.

Gary Vocke, Ed Allen, and Mir Ali. Wheat Backgrounder. Wheat Outlook, WHS-05K-01, ERS, USDA, December 2005.

Jean Buzby, Hodan Farah, and Gary Vocke. Will 2005 Be the Year of the Whole Grain? Amber Waves, ERS, USDA, June 2005.

Bill Lin and Gary Vocke. Will Hard White Wheat Become a Sustainable Wheat Class? Amber Waves, ERS, USDA, April 2005.

Gary Vocke, Edward Allen, and J. Michael Price. Economic Analysis of Ending the Issuance of Karnal Bunt Phytosanitary Wheat Export Certificates. Wheat Yearbook, WHS-2002, ERS, USDA, March 2002.

Mir Air and Gary Vocke. How Wheat Production Costs Vary. Wheat Yearbook, WHS-2002, ERS, USDA, March 2002.

Gary Vocke. Wheat: Background and Issues for Farm Legislation. Wheat Outlook, WHS-0701-01, ERS, USDA, August 2001.

Gary Vocke. Forces Shaping the U.S. Wheat Economy. Agricultural Outlook, ERS, USDA, August 2000.

Gary Vocke. Indonesia's Financial Crisis: Implications for Agriculture. Agricultural Outlook, ERS, USDA, December 1998.

William Lin and Gary Vocke. Hard White Wheat: Changing the Color of U.S. Wheat. Agricultural Outlook, ERS, USDA, August 1998.

Gary Vocke. "Southeast Asian Feed Imports and the Financial Crisis." Feed Situation and Outlook Yearbook, ERS, USDA, April 1998.

Gary Vocke. "Noodle End-Use Characteristics for Wheat in East and Southeast Asia." Wheat Situation and Outlook Yearbook, ERS, USDA, March 1998.

Gary Vocke. "Emerging Import Markets in Asia." APEC Situation and Outlook Series, ERS, USDA, August 1997.

Gary Vocke. "Recent Developments in Cereal and Feed Markets in Indonesia: Prospects for Trade Over the Medium Term." Paper presented to the Group on Cereals, Animal Feeds and Sugar of the Working Party on Agricultural Policies and Markets. Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Paris, France, September, 1995.

James Langley, Gary Vocke, and Larry Whiting. Earl O. Heady: His Impact on Agricultural Economics. Iowa State University Press, 1994.

Gary Vocke (editor). Global Review of Resource and Environmental Policies: Water Resource Development and Management, Foreign Agricultural Economics Report No. 251, ERS, USDA, March 1994.

Denise Gray and Gary Vocke. "Policy Choices in the Use of Land and Water." Environmental Policies: Implications for Agricultural Trade, Foreign Agricultural Economics Report No. 252, ERS, USDA, 1994.

Earl O. Heady and Gary F. Vocke (editors). Economic Models of Agricultural Land Conservation and Environmental Improvement. Iowa State University Press, 1992.

Gary Vocke. Livestock Development in Indonesia. Technical Report, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, Government of the Republic of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia, August 1992.

Gary Vocke. "Investments To Transfer Poultry Production To Developing Countries." American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 73, No. 3, August 1991.

Gary Vocke. "Investment Requirements To Finance The Transfer Of Intensive Poultry Production Systems." Invited paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the Allied Social Sciences Associations, Washington, DC, December 1990.

Gary Vocke. "Trade, Self-Sufficiency, and Economic Development." Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, San Francisco, CA, December 1989.

Gary Vocke. "Appendix E: U.S. Grain Imports by Developing Countries." Agricultural Trade Prospects in Selected Countries, Executive Office of the President, September 1988.

C. Parr Rosson, III and Gary Vocke. "U.S. Food Exports, Technology Transfer, and Third World Development." Paper presented at the 20th International Conference of Agricultural Economists, Buenos Aires, Argentina, August 1988.

Gary Vocke. "Appendix E: Economic Growth, Agricultural Trade, and Development Assistance." World Food Needs and Production and Agricultural Trade, Executive Office of the President, September 1987.

Gary Vocke. Policy and Development Plan for Soybean Production in Thailand. Office of Agricultural Economics, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, Royal Thai Government, Bangkok, Thailand, 1983.

W.P. Pinna, Gary Vocke, and R.C. Wells. General Partnerships and Their Taxation. Economics Information Report No. 63, Department of Economics and Business, North Carolina State University, August 1980.

Gary Vocke. Financing Strategies for the North Carolina Contract Broiler Producer. Extension Circular Ag-175, North Carolina State University, July 1979.

Gary Vocke and Earl O. Heady. "Impact of Pesticide Restrictions on Regional Production Patterns." Water, Air and Soil Pollution, An International Journal of Environmental Pollution, Vol. 10, 1978, pp. 105-114. Gary Vocke. Global Production Shortfalls Bring Record Wheat Prices. Amber Waves, ERS, USDA, November, 2007.

Jean Buzby, Hodan Farah Wells, and Gary Vocke. Possible Implications for U.S. Agriculture From Adoption of Select Dietary Guidelines. Economic Research Report No. 31, ERS, USDA, November 2006.

Gary Vocke. "U.S. Wheat Competitiveness." Wheat Industry Summit Meeting, Lenexa, Kansas, September 7, 2006.

Gary Vocke and Mir Ali. Specialized Wheat Farms Earn Less Than Other Farms. Amber Waves, ERS, USDA, April 2006.

Demcey Johnson, Bill Lin, and Gary Vocke. "Economic and Welfare Impacts of Commercializing a Herbicide-Tolerant Biotech Wheat." Food Policy, Vol. 30, 2005.

Gary Vocke, Ed Allen, and Mir Ali. Wheat Backgrounder. Wheat Outlook, WHS-05K-01, ERS, USDA, December 2005.

Jean Buzby, Hodan Farah, and Gary Vocke. Will 2005 Be the Year of the Whole Grain? Amber Waves, ERS, USDA, June 2005.

Bill Lin and Gary Vocke. Will Hard White Wheat Become a Sustainable Wheat Class? Amber Waves, ERS, USDA, April 2005.

Gary Vocke, Edward Allen, and J. Michael Price. Economic Analysis of Ending the Issuance of Karnal Bunt Phytosanitary Wheat Export Certificates. Wheat Yearbook, WHS-2002, ERS, USDA, March 2002.

Mir Air and Gary Vocke. How Wheat Production Costs Vary. Wheat Yearbook, WHS-2002, ERS, USDA, March 2002.

Gary Vocke. Wheat: Background and Issues for Farm Legislation. Wheat Outlook, WHS-0701-01, ERS, USDA, August 2001.

Gary Vocke. Forces Shaping the U.S. Wheat Economy. Agricultural Outlook, ERS, USDA, August 2000.

Gary Vocke. Indonesia's Financial Crisis: Implications for Agriculture. Agricultural Outlook, ERS, USDA, December 1998.

William Lin and Gary Vocke. Hard White Wheat: Changing the Color of U.S. Wheat. Agricultural Outlook, ERS, USDA, August 1998.

Gary Vocke. "Southeast Asian Feed Imports and the Financial Crisis." Feed Situation and Outlook Yearbook, ERS, USDA, April 1998.

Gary Vocke. "Noodle End-Use Characteristics for Wheat in East and Southeast Asia." Wheat Situation and Outlook Yearbook, ERS, USDA, March 1998.

Gary Vocke. "Emerging Import Markets in Asia." APEC Situation and Outlook Series, ERS, USDA, August 1997.

Gary Vocke. "Recent Developments in Cereal and Feed Markets in Indonesia: Prospects for Trade Over the Medium Term." Paper presented to the Group on Cereals, Animal Feeds and Sugar of the Working Party on Agricultural Policies and Markets. Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Paris, France, September, 1995.

James Langley, Gary Vocke, and Larry Whiting. Earl O. Heady: His Impact on Agricultural Economics. Iowa State University Press, 1994.

Gary Vocke (editor). Global Review of Resource and Environmental Policies: Water Resource Development and Management, Foreign Agricultural Economics Report No. 251, ERS, USDA, March 1994.

Denise Gray and Gary Vocke. "Policy Choices in the Use of Land and Water." Environmental Policies: Implications for Agricultural Trade, Foreign Agricultural Economics Report No. 252, ERS, USDA, 1994.

Earl O. Heady and Gary F. Vocke (editors). Economic Models of Agricultural Land Conservation and Environmental Improvement. Iowa State University Press, 1992.

Gary Vocke. Livestock Development in Indonesia. Technical Report, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, Government of the Republic of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia, August 1992.

Gary Vocke. "Investments To Transfer Poultry Production To Developing Countries." American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 73, No. 3, August 1991.

Gary Vocke. "Investment Requirements To Finance The Transfer Of Intensive Poultry Production Systems." Invited paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the Allied Social Sciences Associations, Washington, DC, December 1990.

Gary Vocke. "Trade, Self-Sufficiency, and Economic Development." Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, San Francisco, CA, December 1989.

Gary Vocke. "Appendix E: U.S. Grain Imports by Developing Countries." Agricultural Trade Prospects in Selected Countries, Executive Office of the President, September 1988.

C. Parr Rosson, III and Gary Vocke. "U.S. Food Exports, Technology Transfer, and Third World Development." Paper presented at the 20th International Conference of Agricultural Economists, Buenos Aires, Argentina, August 1988.

Gary Vocke. "Appendix E: Economic Growth, Agricultural Trade, and Development Assistance." World Food Needs and Production and Agricultural Trade, Executive Office of the President, September 1987.

Gary Vocke. Policy and Development Plan for Soybean Production in Thailand. Office of Agricultural Economics, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, Royal Thai Government, Bangkok, Thailand, 1983.

W.P. Pinna, Gary Vocke, and R.C. Wells. General Partnerships and Their Taxation. Economics Information Report No. 63, Department of Economics and Business, North Carolina State University, August 1980.

Gary Vocke. Financing Strategies for the North Carolina Contract Broiler Producer. Extension Circular Ag-175, North Carolina State University, July 1979.

Gary Vocke and Earl O. Heady. "Impact of Pesticide Restrictions on Regional Production Patterns." Water, Air and Soil Pollution, An International Journal of Environmental Pollution, Vol. 10, 1978, pp. 105-114.

Gary Vocke and Earl O. Heady. "Potential Effects of Environmental Policies on Resource Use and Regional Incomes in Agriculture." Agriculture and the Environment, Vol. 4, 1978, pp. 99-109. Gary Vocke and Earl O. Heady. "Potential Effects of Environmental Policies on Resource Use and Regional Incomes in Agriculture." Agriculture and the Environment, Vol. 4, 1978, pp. 99-109.

Last updated: Saturday, May 26, 2012

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