International Fisheries:

Species of Interest to International Management:

Target Species

Some highly migratory species of greatest interest to fishers and to fishery managers in the western and central Pacific Ocean are listed below. For more information about each species click on the name to link to the Fishbase Species Guide.

Skipjack Tuna - Les Hata,©SPC

Primary species:

Albacore -Thunnus alalunga
Bigeye Tuna -Thunnus obesus
Pacific Bluefin Tuna -Thunnus orientalis
Skipjack Tuna -Katsuwonus pelamis
Yellowfin Tuna -Thunnus albacares
Swordfish -Xiphias gladius

Non-Target Species

The ecosystem approach to fisheries management requires consideration of other species that are not targeted by fisheries but may be impacted, such as fish, sea turtles, marine mammals and seabirds.

Striped Marlin - Les Hata,©SPC


Striped Marlin -Tetrapturus audax
Blue Marlin -Makaira mazara
Blue Shark -Prionace glauca

Sea Turtles:

For more information about sea turtles or each species click on the name to link to Protected Resources Division webpages.
Green Sea Turtle - Rachel O'Shea,©SPC

Green Turtle -Chelonia mydas
Hawksbill Turtle -Eretmochelys imbricata
Leatherback Turtle -Dermochelys coriacea
Loggerhead Turtle -Caretta caretta
Olive Ridley Turtle -Lepidochelys oliveacea

For information about International Fisheries Division sea turtle activities click here.

Marine Mammals:

False Killer Whale - Youngmi Choi,©SPC

For more information about marine mammals, click here to link to Protected Resources Division webpages.


Laysan Albatross - Youngmi Choi,©SPC

For more information about seabirds in the WCPO click here to access the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Midway Atoll website; which features species pages on 17 species.

Images courtesy of the Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Noumea, New Caledonia