Protected Resources

Olive Ridley

Rachel O'Shea ©SPC

Scientific name: Lepidochelys olivacea

Stock Assessment / Estimated Breeding Population

While many of the nesting populations along the Pacific coast of Mexico have disappeared, an estimated 450,000 turtles still nest in arribadas at La Escobilla. Costa Rica supports an estimated 600,000 nesting olive ridleys between its two major arribada beaches Nancinte and Ostional. Other countries in the Pacific hosting nesting populations producing between 100 and 2,000 nests per year include Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Australia, Brunei, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Vietnam.

Legal Protection

Natural History

Physical Description

Photo credit: Reuven Walder


This species eats a wide variety of things including mainly fish, salps, and invertebrates, along with some mollusks, crustaceans, algae, bryozoans, and even fish eggs. With such an array of prey items, olive ridleys can be found feeding in a variety of habitats including deep water, pelagic habitats, soft bottom, and shallow benthic waters.





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