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NASA Office of Small Business Programs, Where Small Business Makes a Big Difference

Communications Plan


Provide information and guidance concerning the release of NASA's Office of Small Business Programs (OSBP) policies and accomplishments.


Provide timely, relevant, and accurate internal and public information about NASA's Small Business Programs. Guarantee the widest distribution of internal and public information through print, electronic, and Internet outlets while ensuring that the proper procurement and acquisition policies are followed.


The Obama Administration created the Small Business Procurement Group to ensure Federal agencies meet the mandated prime and subcontracting small business goals. The key to achieving NASA's small business contracting goals is through communication among NASA's leadership, senior officials, Center Directors, and workforce directly involved in the acquisition process.


NASA's Office of Communications (NOC) is the responsible staff office for internal and public release of information regarding Agency programs. NOC will use appropriate information and data supplied by OSBP for internal and external releases about small business programs, events, and success stories. NOC serves as the focal point for media inquiries about small business programs.

The OSBP Web site remains the primary repository of data about the Agency's various small business programs.

Key Information

The communications posture for the small business program is active. Two letters will be sent each year regarding NASA's small business programs from the following individuals:

  1. The Administrator.
  2. The OSBP Associate Administrator and the Senior Procurement Executive.
    • Follow appropriate procurement and acquisition regulations when releasing any internal or external information.
    • NOC will primarily use internal electronic outlets to distribute appropriate information provided by OSBP to selected NASA officials and employees. The effort will not duplicate OSBP Web site data.


  • NOC
    • Act as principal internal, media, and public release outlet, as appropriate, for Agency small business program information.
    • Respond to media inquiries about the program.
    • Determine the methods for internal and public release of program information.
    • NASA Center communications offices provide similar support for local programs.
  • OSBP
    • Refer media inquiries about the small business program to NOC or, if appropriate, respond immediately to routine requests for information.
    • Maintain OSBP Web site and social media operations.
    • Schedule senior NASA leadership for internal program presentations during appropriate Center visits and live and electronic conferences.
    • Provide NOC with timely information about successful or unique small business program achievements and key contracts.

Key Messages

  • NASA fully supports and assists small businesses in high-technology areas that include technology transfer and commercialization of technology.
  • The Agency provides all types of small businesses with practical opportunities to participate in NASA prime contracts and subcontracts.
  • NASA is engaged in and deeply committed to ensuring that all types of small businesses have a fair chance to participate in Federal contracting opportunities. Small business contracting is a high priority in the Agency’s procurement process.
  • NASA provides the Agency’s acquisition workforce with training about new legislation, as it is issued, to remain current on the tools and small business contracting policies.
  • OSBP is committed to increasing and participating in small business networking; matchmaking events; congressional, Federal, state, and local government small business outreach activities; conferences; training events; partnerships; and working groups.
  • OSBP will list planned outreach and small business training events on the office Web site at and the Federal Business Opportunities Web site at
  • OSBP will post success stories on the Office of Management and Budget MAX system at

NOC Communications Plan Points of Contact

David Weaver

Sonja Alexander
202-358-1761 x1600

OSBP Communications Plan Points of Contacts

Glenn A. Delgado

Tabisa T. Tepfer


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