CADD Downloads and Updates

Central Federal Lands Highway Division provides files needed to set up and run the currently used versions of MicroStation and Geopak according to CFLHD’s standards. Revision histories are provided to ensure the use of the most recent updates and versions.

Microstation and GEOPAK V8i Edition Standard Files for CFLHD Use

File Description Last Updated Notes and Instructions
V8i The file includes the MicroStation and GEOPAK files that are needed to set up and run GEOPAK V8i Edition Typical Section Generator according to CFLHD's standards. All  new projects that are surveyed and mapped using the FLH_Combined.dgnlib level library must use this edition of files. 1-11-13

Microstation / GEOPAK V8 2004 Edition Configuration Files

File Description Last Updated Notes and Instructions The file includes the MicroStation and Geopak files that are needed to set up and run Geopak 2004 Edition Typical Section Generator according to CFLHD's standards. All projects that are surveyed and mapped using the FLH_Combined.dgnlib level library must use the X30 Generation of standard files. 2-22-11 Miscellaneous criteria files, includes MicroStation Basic user interface macros. 9-23-09 Instructions for drawing clearing limits can be viewed at: 3PC Clearing Limits Instructions US Customary and Metric Superelevation tables for AASHTO Method 5 (*.csv). US Customary and Metric Superelevation preference files (*.sep). US Customary and Metric Minimum spiral length tables for AASHTO 2001 (*.tbl). Standard Label Style file (cfl_labeler.lsf). 9-23-09 Standard Cell Libraries (*.cel), FLH_Criteria.cel - Standard criteria cell library. 1-11-13 Standard MicroStation units and scales definitions (*.def). 9-23-09 US Customary and Metric D&C Manager database files (*.ddb). 2-22-11 Must use latest versions of .ddb files if preparing proposed cross sections with the current X30 criteria. CFLHD's earthwork input files for X30 and ancillary data (*.inp). 05-02-11 Earthwork input file, use the following link: CFL Earthwork Input File.inp Standard MicroStation levels for MicroStation V8/X30. 1-11-13 Miscellaneous macros for MicroStation V8 (*.bas). 9-23-09 Descriptions of the basic macros can be viewed by clicking on the following link: View the macro descriptions Miscellaneous MicroStation Visual Basic Applications (*mvba). 1-11-13 CFLHD's 3D model preferences (*.xsm). 10-30-09 CFLHD's font and custom line style resource files (*.rsc). 9-23-09 Resource file setup - (Workflow 6.1 Linestyles) .pdf 250 KB US Customary and Metric 2D and 3D seed files (*.dgn). 5-4-10 US Customary and Metric Cross section sheet layout libraries (*.xssl). US Customary and Metric Plan & Profile Sheet layout Libraries (*.psl). US Customary and Metric sheet cell reference files (*.dgn). 9-23-09 CFLHD's Survey Manager Database. 9-13-10 PCODE listings, features and guidance can be viewed at:
Attaching the Correct smd File - (Workflow 2.1 Geopak Prefs) .pdf 79 KB Standard color table for X30. 9-23-09 Attaching CFLHD Color Table - (Workflow 7.1) .pdf 85 KB US Customary and Metric Criteria files (X30 Edition) for Typical Section Generator and help files (*.wri). 2-22-11
  • View the X30 Criteria Version_History.pdf
  • Older versions (.x08 & .x10) may be available upon request. CFLHD's standard plot files 10-30-09 Plot drivers are configured for specific plotters in the CFLHD office. A/E firms must revise these to work properly.

Miscellaneous CADD Download Files

File Description Last Updated Notes
Directory Structure Sample Project Directory Structure for new projects. 1-11-13
CFL CADD File Tracker.xls Excel spreadsheet to document and track critical CADD files. 5-06-09
CFL CADD Std Change Form.pdf Change request form for CFL CADD Standards Manual. 9-17-09 Send to the CFL Senior Highway Designer at
"MicroStation "Basic Training".zip MicroStation (.dgn) files used for MicroStation "Basic Training" Videos. 7-14-09 CADD Help and Reference Page
Geopak "Basic Training".zip MicroStation (.dgn) and Geopak files used for Geopak "Basic Training" excercises. 7-14-09 CADD Help and Reference Page
CRAM Sessions CADD Rehearsals Anytime for MicroStation & Geopak: CRAM sessions are individual CADD training sessions with MicroStation (.dgn) files and exercise instructions 8-19-09 CADD Help and Reference Page

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