United States Department of Veterans Affairs

VA Salt Lake City Health Care System

Welcome to the VA Salt Lake City Health Care System
Female Soldier
MOVE! Weight Management Program for Veterans
VA Salt Lake City FaceBook Page
National Salute to Veteran Patients: Check out the Valentines for Veterans concert schedule

Local Features

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Veterans participating in Yoga

“Warrior One”

It’s called “trauma sensitive” yoga, but these Vets don’t care what you call it, they just say it works. The hour long sessions of stretching and meditation are easing the minds of those struggling with moral injury. Full Story

Veteran receving acupuncture from VA provider

Integrative Health at VA

The principals behind an integrative approach are to treat the whole self; mind, body, and spirit. To approach health from a wellness model, not an illness model. The belief is that each individual is in control of their own health, thus must do the work to change their lifestyle, beliefs, and old habits in order to facilitate healing. Full Story

From Across the Nation

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detail of George Washington from a painting

Presidents who were Veterans

From George Washington to George W. Bush, 24 of America’s presidents served in the military before becoming Commander in Chief. From all of the soldiers in uniform today, is there a future president of the United States? Full Story

Veterans Crisis Line (1-800-273-8255 Press 1)Returning Service Members
eBenefits: My Gateway to Benefit Information
About Face PTSD informationLong Term Home Health Care
National Center for PTSD

George E. Wahlen Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center

500 Foothill Drive
Salt Lake City, UT 84148
801-582-1565 | Directions

Email Updates
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Telephone Care

Note: (Toll-free for Utah, Nevada, Idaho, Wyoming, Montana and Colorado only) - 24 hrs/day

VA Nurse Health Line: Mon - Fri, 8:00 am - 4:00 pm

Events & Classes

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