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Thursday, September 27, 2012

Case Studies in GIS for Environmental Streamlining

Now Online

FHWA’s Office of Planning recently published the report "Case Studies in Geographic Information Systems for Environmental Streamlining." The report, which is available here, provides background on the use of GIS to streamline the environmental review process, describes the efforts of five public agencies that have developed tools or processes to do so, and identifies key conclusions. The information in the report was gleaned from interviews with State departments of transportation.

South Carolina DOT GIS Tool
South Carolina DOT GIS Tool

Monday, September 17, 2012

GIS Summer Newsletter

Now Online

The Summer GIS in Transportation Newsletter is now available here. The summer newsletter features an article by Charlie Gischlar of Maryland State Highway Administration, focused on the GIS-based Environmental Planning GIS Tools (EPGTs) that the agency is jointly promoting with the Texas Department of Transportation (DOT).

Also included is an editorial by Jake Payne of Utah DOT, on valuable lessons learned when implementing GIS technologies.

Example of EPGT use
Example of EPGT use

Monday, September 17, 2012

Summer GIS in Transportation Webcast

A summary of the summer GIS in Transportation webcast is now available here.

The webcast speakers were John DiRuggiero of New Mexico Department of Transportation (NMDOT), and Lee Jensen of RealTime Solutions, who discussed NMDOT’s Mobile GIS Application for Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). The application is intended to provide the public with up-to-date travel and traffic information.

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