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Office of Planning, Environment, & Realty (HEP)

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Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) is taking an active role in promoting GIS and geospatial technologies through courses, workshops, webcasts, and quarterly newsletters. FHWA encourages State DOTs, MPOs, and others to exchange their knowledge of geospatial technologies and their experiences with using them. In addition to providing support for GIS activities, FHWA is seeking champions to share their GIS knowledge, information about new data and analysis tools, and innovative applications. If you are interested in contributing to any of FHWA's resources, please contact Mark Sarmiento at or 202-266-4828.

The Events page is designed to provide information about conferences, meetings, and peer exchanges in the field of transportation GIS. From this page, veteran practitioners and new learners will be able to locate summaries of past events as well as find information about upcoming events. You are encouraged to submit information about future events by clicking on the feedback link at the bottom of this page.

In order to implement and maintain a successful transportation GIS program, some agency staff members should be trained and proficient in GIS. This page provides links to training opportunities offered around the country. FHWA and other Federal agencies, such as the Fish and Wildlife Service, offer GIS educational opportunities and training courses throughout the year.

GIS is a rapidly evolving field. Knowledge of cutting-edge research is vital to staying up-to-date with the latest data, software applications, and innovative practices. The purpose of this page is to provide links to reports to enable transportation professionals to stay abreast of noteworthy research.

This page provides information about quarterly webcasts that are designed to encourage participants to share GIS knowledge, information about new data and analysis tools, and innovative applications.

This page provides information about quarterly newsletters that share information about significant geospatial transportation news, events, and applications. The newsletters also distribute useful and informative stories on transportation agencies' efforts to develop and implement geospatial technologies.

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