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Monday, January 30, 2012

Fall GIS in Transportation Newsletter

Available Online

The fall GIS in Transportation Newsletter is now available. Please click here for the newsletter.

The newsletter includes an article by Jeff Gonder and Evan Burton, both of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory Center for Transportation Technologies and Systems. They discuss developing and deploying a Transportation Secure Data Center (TSDC) to securely archive and access detailed transportation data. Also included is an editorial by Albert Benedict of the Center for Neighborhood Technology.

TSDC screenshot
TSDC screenshot

Thursday, January 26, 2012

GIS in Transportation Winter Webcast

Upcoming on February 22

Please join the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) for its 13th installment in a quarterly series of webcasts highlighting applications of geospatial technologies in transportation.

The webcast will take place on Wednesday, February 22nd, from 2-3 PM (EDT).

The speaker is John Thomas, Director of Planning for the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT). He will discuss developing UPlan, an interactive, web-based tool that helps users consider the potential impacts of transportation projects on the natural and human environment. UPlan also supports more informed discussions and decisions, and facilitates synchronizing plans and projects with other agencies and within UDOT’s many departments.

To access the webcast, please see the information listed below:

Audio: 1-877-336-1274 (call-in); 7838594# (passcode)
Webroom link:

The intended audiences for this webcast series are planners and GIS practitioners from State Departments of Transportation, Metropolitan Planning Organizations, FHWA Division Offices, and State and Federal resource agencies.

If you would like highlight one of your agency's geospatial applications in an upcoming webcast, please contact Alisa Fine ( or 617-494-2310). Information on previous webcasts can be found here on FHWA’s GIS in Transportation website.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

GIS Fall Webcast

Summary Now Online

A summary of the fall GIS in Transportation webcast is now available here.

The webcast speakers were Chris Zajac from the New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) and Bud Luo, Ph.D., from Michael Baker Jr., Inc. The speakers presented on NJDOT’s deployment of a web 2.0 traffic monitoring system using the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) service.

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