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Message from the Director

Back to About Us: Overview

Welcome to the Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency for the District of Columbia (CSOSA) website. Here you will find a wealth of information on our programs and services as well as our efforts to bring state-of-the-art community supervision to the nation's capital.

The Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency (CSOSA) was created by Congress through the National Capital Revitalization and Self-Government Improvement Act of 1997. After an initial period of trusteeship, CSOSA was certified as an independent Executive Branch agency in August 2000.

CSOSA assumed the adult probation function from the D.C. Superior Court and the parole supervision function from the D.C. Board of Parole (which has been dissolved). The Revitalization Act transferred the parole adjudication function to the U.S. Parole Commission. CSOSA also includes the D.C. Pretrial Services Agency (PSA) within its framework. Although PSA is an independent entity within CSOSA, the two agencies share some support functions and transmit their budgets to Congress together.

The mission of CSOSA is to increase public safety, prevent crime, reduce recidivism, and support the fair administration of justice in close collaboration with the community. I believe that the creation of CSOSA has presented our nation's capital a unique opportunity to establish new model of community supervision which will result in a safer environment for our citizens and greater opportunities for successful reintegration for our clients. We continue to build upon our relationships with our District of Columbia and federal law enforcement partners and the local community. Working together, we will make Washington, D.C. a safer city in which to live, work and visit.

I urge you to explore CSOSA's website and learn more about the agency, our community supervision practices, technological innovations, community partnerships, employment opportunities, and much more. Please feel free to contact us if you need information that you don't find on these pages. Enjoy your visit.

Nancy M. Ware

Nancy M. Ware, Director

Employment Information

As a Federal agency with a distinctly local mission, CSOSA employees perform challenging work that directly affects public safety in the District of Columbia's neighborhoods.