Agricultural Jobs

If you are not yet 16, there are many restrictions on your employment in agriculture, particularly in occupations declared hazardous by the Secretary of Labor. Once you turn 16 there are no restrictions that apply when you work on farms. Statesalso have rules, and employers must comply with both.

What hours can I work?

In agriculture, you can work any time outside of school hours. As with non-agricultural jobs, once you turn 16 you can work on any farm at any time. If you are home schooled, attend private school, or no school, school hours would be the same as the public school where you live while you are working.

What jobs can I do?

If you are:

  • Under 12: You may work outside of school hours in any non-hazardous job on a small farm that is exempt from the federal minimum wage provisions as long as you have parental consent.
  • 12 or 13: You may work outside of school hours in non-hazardous jobs on a farm where your parent(s) work or with written parental consent.
  • 14 or 15: You can work outside of school hours in any non-hazardous agricultural job.
  • 16 or older: You can work in any farm job at any time.

Youth of any age may work at any time in any job on a farm owned or operated by their parent or person standing in place of their parent.

What do I need to know about workplace hazards on farms?

Federal law establishes safety standards and restrictions for young workers on farms. If you are not yet 16, you are prohibited from being employed in occupations that have been declared hazardous. There may be some exceptions that apply to your particular situation. Be sure to check state regulations for young workers and the OSHA rules, which apply to all employees, regardless of their age.

Learn more about agricultural workplace hazards.

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