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STAR - Enterprise Product Lifecycle

Process Asset Library Version 3.0 - Peer Review Guidelines

The STAR EPL process includes 6 Technical Reviews and 5 Gate Reviews. For each review, there is a document that provides the STAR review guidelines. The Peer Review Guideline (PRG) will describe the purpose of the review, the required artifacts, standards for reviewers, requirements for approval, and options other than approval.

The intended users of the PRGs are STAR EPL stakeholders who are responsible for participation on a review team. The PRGs are also beneficial to STAR EPL stakeholders who are responsible for preparing a presentation for a review, to help them understand what the reviewers will expect from their presentation.

There are 9 Peer Review Guidelines in the 3.0 release.

Documents last updated on April 27, 2011 09:36

Peer Review Guidelines
Document Title File Name & Version
PRG-5: Gate 3 Review Peer Review Guideline STAR_PRG-05.0.0_GATE3_v3r0.pdf, (PDF, 205 KB)
PRG-6: Project Requirements Review Peer Review Guideline STAR_PRG-06.0.0_PRR_v3r0.pdf, (PDF, 248 KB)
PRG-7: Preliminary Design Review Peer Review Guideline STAR_PRG-07.0.0_PDR_v3r0.pdf, (PDF, 282 KB)
PRG-8.1: Critical Design Review Peer Review Guideline STAR_PRG-08.1.0_CDR_v3r0.pdf, (PDF, 294 KB)
PRG-8.2: Gate 4 Review Peer Review Guideline STAR_PRG-08.2.0_GATE4_v3r0.pdf, (PDF, 212 KB)
PRG-9: Test Readiness Review Peer Review Guideline STAR_PRG-09.0.0_TRR_v3r0.pdf, (PDF, 251 KB)
PRG-10: Code Test Review Peer Review Guideline STAR_PRG-10.0.0_CTR_v3r0.pdf, (PDF, 268 KB)
PRG-11.1: System Readiness Review Peer Review Guideline STAR_PRG-11.1.0_SRR_v3r0.pdf, (PDF, 248 KB)
PRG-11.2: Gate 5 Review Peer Review Guideline STAR_PRG-11.2.0_GATE5_v3r0.pdf, (PDF, 212 KB)

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