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Economic Data and Reports

Trade Statistics

Fiji Snapshot (Year 2012)

GDP at current price                         US$ 3.636 billion (e)
GDP per capita at current prices      US$4,044.628(e)
GDP growth (constant price)           1.5% (Fiji Governmentt forecast 2.3%)
Inflation (Year on Year)                   4.8% (f)
Foreign Reserves                            F$1,497.2 million (Feb)
Months of Imports of Goods            4.7
Total Investment                            16.713% of GDP

Fiji’s Top 5 Imports (2010)
1. Mineral Products
2. Machinery & Transport Equipment
3. Food
4. Manufactured Goods
5. Miscellaneous Manufactured Goods                    

Fiji’s Top 5 Exports (2010)
1. Fish
2. Gold
3. Water
4. Garments
5. Timber & Cork & Wood
6. Sugar

Fiji’s Top 5 Import Sources (2010)
1. Singapore
2. Australia
3. New Zealand
4. China
5. USA

Fiji’s Top 5 Export Destinations (2010)
1. Australia
2. USA
3. Japan
4. New Zealand
5. United Kingdom