Instrumentation and Facilities

Instrumentation and Facilities

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Mobility Test Complex

The CRTC Mobility Test Complex opened in 2004. The two-lane, 3.2-mile oval track offers the ability to perform all manner of automotive testing both in Alaska's extreme cold winter environment and temperate summer months. Alaska's nearly constant summer light conditions are conducive to long test days or round-the-clock testing. Conversely, Central Alaska's brutal winters are ideal for testing at extreme low temperatures, as well on ice and snow.

Cold Storage Facilities

CRTC has nearly 20,000 sq. ft. of cold storage space available for the long-term environmental storage testing of clothing, equipment, weapons and munitions. Central Alaska's harsh winters routinely see temperatures of -40F and colder, making CRTC the ideal venue for cold storage tests.

Maintenance Facilities

CRTCs 25,000 sq. ft. maintenance facility and maintenance support team can provide a wide array of maintenance support on all manner of automotive systems. CRTC additionally has the ability to recover and tow vehicles up to 60 tons.

Firing Ranges

CRTC firing ranges support weapons systems from 5.56mm to MLRS.

UAV Landing Strip

Our 800' runway with an adjacent maintenance and storage facility makes an ideal venue for testing UAVs in extreme cold and high-wind environments.

Snow Loading

CRTCs snow-making equipment can quickly and effectively replicate the effects of heavy snowfall on military equipment.