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Sources Added Final Quarter of 2011

Jan. 16, 2012

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The ERIC Collection expanded during the fourth quarter of 2011 to include 35 additional organizations producing grey literature and books, and four journals. The lists below provide details of these additions.

ERIC will index documents and journal articles upon receipt from the publisher in reverse chronological order, and release records to

Grey Literature and Book Sources:

  • American Indian College Fund
  • APA Books
  • Asia South Pacific Association for Basic and Adult Education
  • Beach Center on Disability
  • California Collaborative on District Reform
  • California Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages
  • Center for Community College Student Engagement
  • Center for Data-Driven Reform in Education
  • Department for Education (UK)
  • Education Writers Association
  • Faculty Association of Community and Technical Colleges
  • Hawaii Educational Policy Center
  • Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation
  • Human Resources Research Organization
  • Idea Partnership
  • Inclusion Press
  • Knight Commission on Intercollegiate Athletics
  • Lucile Packard Foundation for Children's Health
  • Migration Policy Institute
  • NALEO Educational Fund
  • National Assembly of State Arts Agencies
  • National Association of Colleges and Employers
  • National Association of State Directors of Special Education
  • National Center on Response to Intervention
  • National Center to Improve Recruitment and Retention of Qualified Personnel for Children with Disabilities
  • National Dropout Prevention Center for Students with Disabilities
  • National K-12 Foreign Language Resource Center
  • Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Inc.
  • Primers on Special Education in Charter Schools
  • Project Forum
  • Research and Curriculum Unit
  • Technical Assistance Center on Social Emotional Intervention for Young Children
  • Texas Instruments Education Technology Group
  • Washington School Research Center
  • Wisconsin Council on Children and Families


  • Journal of International Education Research (Clute Institute)
  • New England Mathematics Journal (Association of Teachers of Mathematics in New England)
  • SRATE Journal (Southeastern Regional Association of Teacher Educators)
  • Teaching History (Historical Association - Great Britain)

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