Press Releases

WASHINGTON D.C. – U.S. Senator John Boozman (R-AR) today helped introduce
No Budget, No Pay, legislation that would prohibit members of Congress from being paid
if they do not pass a long-term budget and all appropriations bills each fiscal year.

"I am proud to be joining my colleagues in the Senate as a cosponsor of the No Budget,
No Pay
legislation. This will prevent our nation from continuously operating on a three or four month basis with the threat of a looming government shutdown every few months. Instead, Congress will pass a budget for the entire fiscal year and all appropriations bills or not receive a paycheck as a consequence. This piece of legislation is not just a good thing for our nation’s fiscal health; it’s simply the right thing to do,” Boozman said.

By law, the Senate is required to adopt a budget resolution, but the chamber has failed to adopt a binding budget resolution in nearly four years. Since 2007, Congress has passed numerous omnibus spending bills and continuing resolutions which punts the difficult spending and budget decisions to a later date. Not one of the 12 appropriations bills for the current fiscal year has been signed into law.

“It’s been 1,365 days since the Senate passed a binding federal budget resolution and while we are required to adopt a budget, there is no penalty for failing to do so. No
Budget, No Pay
is necessary to get our fiscal house in order while setting our nation’s budget priorities each fiscal year. This legislation holds Members of Congress accountable for passing a budget in a responsible manner, and not just resorting to a business as usual approach to addressing our nation’s budgetary issues,” Boozman said.

The legislation introduced by Sen. Dean Heller (R-NV) has bipartisan support. Similar legislation has been introduced in the House of Representatives.

“Families are stretching their dollars and fighting to make ends meet in this economic environment. They are planning their budgets in a responsible manner and their elected officials should be doing the same. Arkansans have the right to know how their money is being spent. Passing a budget is the accountability they deserve,” Boozman said.