Press Releases

WASHINGTON D.C. - U.S. Senator John Boozman (R-AR) issued the following statement on the release of President Obama’s budget proposal:

“America deserves better than a collection of tax hikes, phony savings and additional debt.  The President’s budget proposal is bad for seniors as it takes no steps to protect and strengthen Medicare and Social Security, will hurt chances of an economic recovery through tax hikes and will add $11 trillion more to our already staggering national debt in a 10-year period.”

“This is clearly an election year proposal.  Rather than a serious attempt to outline a direction for our economic future, the President is trying to be all for everyone with this plan.  Just as the President’s previous proposals have been voted down, I would not expect this one to pass should it come up for a vote in the Senate.”

“This budget proposal from the White House is stark reminder that we need to pass the Honest Budget Act that I have cosponsored.  The President’s budget is loaded with gimmicks and accounting tricks that our bill would put an end to so that the American people would have an opportunity to weigh in on a real budget that would get our fiscal house in order.”

“When it comes to our country’s budget, Americans have a right to expect accountability, honesty and responsibility.  This proposal has none of those.”