Nebraska Water Science Center

Picture of hydrologists collecting water samples.

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Water Information and Data

Current Conditions

Historical Data

Water Use Database

Water Use for Nebraska, 2005

Water Use for Nebraska, 2000

USGS Data Collection Network

The U.S. Geological Survey currently operates about 440 data collection sites in Nebraska for acquiring information on surface-water, ground-water, water-quality, and precipitation. About 132 of the sites with satellite telemetry provide real-time data via GOES satellites and downlinks, which enables the posting of data to the Web for public dissemination.

Hydrologic data collected by the USGS are published in the annual hydrologic data reports for Nebraska, or in interpretive reports. Most of the data are also available on the Web through the USGS National Water Information System NWISWeb server.

In order to help you locate data and reports, we have created Web pages of publications with specific data types.

You can also ask questions and request data or reports from our Public Information Officer.

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Page Last Modified: Wednesday, 16-Jan-2013 13:20:33 EST