Water Resources of Nebraska

Nebraska WSC: home page | water use

Water Use in Nebraska, 2000

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) publishes water-use estimates every five years. Data are compiled by the source of water and category of use. The most recent data are for year 2000. To view water-use data for Nebraska, select a county from the map or from the text links below.

Source: http://ne.water.usgs.gov/wateruse.html

Total water-use data for Nebraska

Map showing Nebraska's counties. Text list of counties appears below.

Adams Cuming Greeley Loup Saline
Antelope Custer Hall McPherson Sarpy
Arthur Dakota Hamilton Madison Saunders
Banner Dawes Harlan Merrick Scotts Bluff
Blaine Dawson Hayes Morrill Seward
Boone Deuel Hitchcock Nance Sheridan
Box Dixon Holt Nemaha Sherman
Boyd Dodge Hooker Nuckolls Sioux
Brown Douglas Howard Otoe Stanton
Buffalo Dundy Jefferson Pawnee Thayer
Burt Fillmore Johnson Perkins Thomas
Butler Franklin Kearney Phelps Thurston
Cass Frontier Keith Pierce Valley
Cedar Furnas Keya Platte Washington
Chase Gage Kimball Polk Wayne
Cherry Garden Knox Red Willow Webster
Cheyenne Garfield Lancaster Richardson Wheeler
Clay Gosper Lincoln Rock York
Colfax Grant Logan    

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Sioux County Dawes County Box Butte County Sheridan County Cherry County Keya Paha County Boyd County Knox County Cedar County Dixon County Dakota County Scotts Bluff County Banner County Kimball County Morrill County Garden County Grant County Hooker County Thomas County Blaine County Loup County Garfield County Wheeler County Antelope County Pierce County Madison County Wayne County Thurston County Stanton County Cuming County Burt County Cheyenne County Deuel County Arthur County Keith County McPherson County Logan County Custer County Valley County Greeley County Boone County Platte County Sherman County Colfax County Dodge County Washington County Perkins County Chase County Dundy County Lincoln County Dawson County Hayes County Hitchcock County Frontier County Red Willow County Buffalo County Howard County Nance County Merrick County Polk County Gosper County Furnas County Kearney County Phelps County Harlan County Franklin County Hall County Hamilton County Adams County Webster County Clay County Nuckolls County York County Fillmore County Thayer County Butler County Seward County Saline County Saunders County Jefferson County Lancaster County Gage County Douglas County Sarpy County Cass County Otoe County Johnson County Nemaha County Pawnee County Richardson County Brown County Rock County Holt County