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Info Exchange Home

Welcome to the monthly Info Exchange website. The monthly Info Exchange is a forum that allows dissimination of important information from Fort Campbell's leaders and Agencies down to Soldiers and Spouses. On the first Wednesday of each month, speakers present this information to Leaders, Soldiers and Spouses. This page will present you with the videos and slides form these presentations.

On the right, you will see the videos from the current month. On the left there are links to past months Info Exchanges.

If you have any questions or would like to leave comments/feedback, please contact us

InfoEx_Current Month

1. Opening_Special_Briefs_1.wmv
2. Special_Briefs_2.wmv
3. Agency_Briefs_1.wmv
4. Agency_Briefs_2.wmv
5. Agency_Briefs_3.wmv
6. Closing_remarks_COL_Dellinger.wmv