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Ready Army Home Page

Ready Army

Are you and your family ready for an emergency?

Emergencies affect hundreds of thousands of people every year. One may hit your installation and community and affect you and your family. When emergencies occur, military and civilian organizations respond, but it takes time to mobilize, and they focus on the most critical needs first. You should get ready to manage on your own for at least three days.

Failure to prepare can put yourself, your family, and your property in jeopardy!

It’s up to you. Prepare Strong.


Ready Army

Ready Army Logo

Ready Army is the Army Emergency Management Program's proactive campaign to increase the resilience of the Army community by informing of relevant hazards and encouraging Soldiers, their Families, Army Civilians and contractors to, “Get a Kit. Make a Plan. Be Informed.” Through outreach and education Ready Army calls our Army community to action and aims to create a culture of preparedness that will save lives and strengthen the nation.

This AKO site provides tools and information to implement the campaign. A publicly accessible site for Soldiers and Families can be found at ready.army.mil.

Our Vision…
Emergency Management services are available when and where needed, with Army and requisite capabilities fully integrated to effectively and efficiently support Army Missions and to protect Soldiers, civilians, their families, and contractors from all hazards, to include natural or man-made disasters and Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and high-yield Explosive (CBRNE) events

Our Mission…
Protect personnel Maintain critical missions Restore mission-essential functions

Mission Image

Get A Kit

image of a Kit

Assemble a collection of first aid supplies, food, water, medicines and important papers that can sustain you and your family until a crisis passes. Consider the unique needs of your family and pets, then assemble emergency supply kits in your home, car and workplace. (Read More)

Make a Plan

You and your family members may not be together when an emergency strikes. Planning ahead for various emergencies will improve your chances of keeping in touch, staying safe and quickly reuniting. (Read More)

Be Informed

Be informed image of Press Emergencies can arise from weather and other natural hazards, industrial and transportation accidents, disease epidemics and terrorist acts. Anticipate the emergencies most likely to affect you and your family. Knowing what to do can make all the difference when seconds count.

This booklet helps you think through the basics of preparing yourself and your family for all hazards. In addition to checklists and sources for further help and information, there is a detachable Family Emergency Plan form.

Play it smart. Preparing for emergencies doesn’t take a lot of time or effort, but it brings peace of mind. And it could keep an emergency from becoming a disaster for you and your family. (Read More)

AEM Logo


Ready Campaign

American Red Cross

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Federal Emergency Management Agency


World Health Organization


 Are you ready Image

Before an Emergency, remember to...

Get an Emergency Kit.

Make an Emergency Plan.

Be informed about what might happen

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