Warrior Nutrition 

Soldier in the field eating a healthy meal.


 Field training and combat may be the most physically demanding work you do in the military.                                                                             

This page provides information on proper performance fueling in the field environment and deployment.


Warfighter Nutrition Guide external link

Warrior Nutrition information from the Uniformed Services University’s Consortium for Health and Military Performance.


Nutritional Guidance for Military Operations, USARIEM Technical Note TN-01/4  (pdf) external link

This technical note provides guidance for proper nutrition in garrison and, especially, the field environment (to include hot, cold, and high altitude environments).  It is written for Commanders, Small Unit Leaders, and individual Soldiers.


Operational Rations of the Department of Defense (pdf) external link

This downloadable book provides information on the entire family of fielded combat rations. Learn the purpose, major characteristics, nutrition composition, and preparation requirements of each type of ration.


Interactive Nutrition online training modules (AKO) external link

Several Interactive self-development nutrition training modules are available once you have completed the Global Assessment Tool.  Topics include High Performance Nutrition, Supplements and Fluids, Nutrition in the Field, Fueling the Military Family, and Encouraging Healthy Habits as a leader.  This online training is part of the Comprehensive Soldier Fitness Program and designed to help you increase strength and resilience.  An AKO account is required to complete this training.


High Caliber Nutrition In the Field  (pdf)

Power Performance ...the Nutrition Connection (Module 6).  Ignoring nutrition when in the field can lead to reduced endurance, strength and concentration.  This material will show you how nutrition affects your performance in the field and how you can eat for performance, even in the strenuous conditions of field exercises and combat.