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President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) in Cote d'Ivoire

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Funding locally, thinking globally.

The President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) is a five year, fifteen billion dollar program to fight HIV/AIDS in over 100 countries around the world, with targeted initiatives in fifteen of the globe's worst affected countries, including Cote d'Ivoire. This year, PEPFAR is spending more than $84 million dollars in Cote d'Ivoire in partnering with local and international organizations to help reinforce the capacity of Ivoirians to combat this threat to the medical, political, economic, and social stability of the country and West Africa.  This unprecedented initiative aims to combat HIV/AIDS by working in close coordination with Ivoirian organizations to prevent the spread of the disease, to treat those who have been infected, and provide care for orphans and vulnerable children who have been affected by the disease.  While the funding and resources are coming from the people of the United States, many of the initiatives are coming from grassroots organizations and individuals in Cote d'Ivoire.  Together we will defeat this devastating disease and bring hope for future generations to live free of AIDS.

What is PEPFAR?  Answers to common questions

New lab strengthens TB/HIV care, research

Ambassador Carter speaks at the opening of the microbiology lab at the Pasteur Institute (Dpt. of State)

Ambassador Carter speaks at the opening of the microbiology lab at the Pasteur Institute (Dpt. of State)

TB diagnosis and care are taking a giant step forward in Côte d’Ivoire with the opening of the country’s first biosecurity Level 3 laboratory at the Pasteur Institute in Abidjan.

Constructed and equipped with CDC/PEPFAR funding, the laboratory was inaugurated Sept. 11 in conjunction with the celebration of Pasteur Institute’s 40th anniversary, in a ceremony attended by the Grand Chancellor of Côte d’Ivoire; the ambassadors of the United States, France, and Guinea; representatives of the Ministry of Health and AIDS, Ministry of Higher Education and Research, and major Ivoirian health facilities; and the director of CDC’s International HIV Laboratory Branch ... (more)

PEPFAR-CI Employee Simplice Kamdem Completes Professional Certificate Program at Georgia Institute of Technology

Simplice Kamdem receives his certificate in Health and Humanitarian Logistics from the Georgia Institute of Technology

Simplice Kamdem receives his certificate in Health and Humanitarian Logistics from the Georgia Institute of Technology (Dpt. of State)

USAID/PEPFAR is pleased to announce that Mr. Simplice Kamdem, technical adviser for supply chain/logistics for USAID/PEPFAR Côte d’Ivoire, has successfully completed the Health and Humanitarian Logistics Professional Certificate Program at Georgia Institute of Technology (GIT) in Atlanta. Mr. Kamdem is among the first five people worldwide to receive this certification and training, which will help the PEPFAR-CI team to strengthen management of its $30 million to $40 million-a-year investment in medications, laboratory commodities, and the national supply chain... (more)

Peptalk: The latest from PEPFAR Cote d’Ivoire

Pepfar By Numbers

  • PEPFAR Cote d’Ivoire New Country Profile (PDF 46 Kb)
  • Budget in Cote d'Ivoire

    2012 Budget: $130,180,308

    Goals in Cote d'Ivoire

    By September 2013, provide antiretroviral treatment for 95,000 adults and children, HIV testing and counseling for 1,150,000 people, and care and support for 250,000 people infected or affected by HIV/AIDS, including 110,000 orphans and vulnerable children, while helping to build a sustainable national HIV/AIDS response within a strong Ivoirian health system.

    PEPFAR's Global Goals

    By September 2014, prevent 12 million HIV infections; provide antiretroviral treatment for 4 million HIV/AIDS patients; provide care and support for 12 million people infected or affected by HIV/AIDS, including 5 million orphans and vulnerable children; support training and retention of 140,000 new health-care workers; and help build sustainable national HIV/AIDS responses within strong national health systems.

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