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Alumni Programs

The Education Advising Office is building a database of graduates from U.S. colleges and universities recognized by the U.S. Department of Education.  If you would like to be added, please email the following information to

  • Name
  • Nationality
  • U.S. college/university where you earned your degree
  • Year of Graduation
  • Degree earned
  • Major
  • Are you willing to be contacted in the future? (Yes/No)
  • E-mail
  • Mobile
  • Fax
  • City of Residence


    If you were on a Fulbright Project/Program, also visit the U.S. State Department Alumni website at

  • Are you a current Qatari student in the United States or recent graduate? Join the Qatar Students Association for a support network and information about cultural and volunteer activities!


    • Alumni