Get Involved

Research demonstrates that parent involvement is essential for student success. Although you may not become involved in all committees and support organizations in the school, we encourage the following activities for your parental support:

  • Join the school parent/teacher organization (PTO or PTA) and participate in meetings and activities.
  • Have lunch at school with your child regularly.
  • Volunteer in your child's classroom.
  • Establish a daily study time at home (even when there's no homework).
  • Participate in the Continuous School Improvement (CSI) efforts at your child's school.
  • Keep informed of school events and activities by reading school newsletters and your child's classroom newsletter.
  • Communicate frequently with your child's teacher.
  • Prepare for and participate in parent-teacher conferences.
  • Ensure your child has a well-balanced breakfast and comes to school with completed homework, lunch money and school supplies.


There are many volunteer opportunities for parents eager to get involved with their students education or for other interested community members.  Check with you child's school for specifics and to complete any necessary forms in addition to the following.

Parental Questions and Concerns

Parents who have questions and/or concerns are requested to resolve them at the most appropriate and immediate level. For typical classroom matters, the following procedures should apply in order as needed:

  • Step 1- The parent discusses the matter with the teacher.
  • Step 2- The parent and teacher meet with the principal if the matter is not resolved in step 1.
  • Step 3- Those matters which cannot be resolved at the school level are referred to the GA/AL District Superintendent's Office.  

These procedures follow the correct chain-of-command/line of authority from teacher to principal to superintendent and focus on resolution at the lowest level. Parents are encouraged to seek immediate resolution of problems. Prompt action can frequently prevent complications and more serious problems later on.

DDESS School Boards

Being a DDESS school board member is a serious responsibility but one that offers significant rewards - the primary reward being the opportunity to actively participate in the process of educating our children.

However, unlike the school boards in the Local Education Authority (LEA), DDESS school boards act purely in an advisory capacity, providing input to the Superintendent and administrators in the areas of fiscal, personnel and educational policies, procedures and programs. The DDESS school district superintendent makes final decisions on matters affecting the school district.  Read more about the responsibilities of a DDESS School Board