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FY 2009 NOAA Preserve America Initiative Internal Funding Program - Funded Projects

For results of project, click on project title.

Lake Effect: Past, Present and Future
The NOAA National Weather Service (NWS) will be partnering with the Marquette County History Museum to create an interactive station that illustrates the effect of Lake Superior on the daily lives of the people living in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, past and present.

The Importance and Role of Salmon in the pacific Northwest
This project will bring presentations about the biology and cultural importance of salmon to the classroom of children grades 2-6 at Prairie Elementary (a title school) in Yelm, WA.

Earth, Water, Wind and Fire: Monitoring & Observing Environmental History in the Los Angeles Area
Collaborating with two local colleges, NWS WFO at Los Angeles/Oxnard constructed the NOAA Global Monitoring Exhibit which showcases the important observing platforms used to serve five main areas of the NOAA/NWS mission: Hydrology, Fire Weather, Marine, Aviation and Climate.

The History of the World Data Center for Glaciology in Boulder, CO
The repository of glaciological data was professionally curated and added to the existing National Snow and Ice Data Center onling catalog and to a user-friendly website, enabling researchers and the public easy access to these records.

History of African Americans in Georgia's Coastal Fisheries
African American participation in marine-related careers began as early as 1796, when the federal government issued Seamen’s Protection Certificates to merchant mariners defining them as “citizens” of the United States effectively making maritime employment one way for Blacks to shape their identities. This project will characterize the fishery related occupations of African Americans in coastal Georgia 1865 to present and gather information for future work that may ascertain the relationship between their decreased participation and changes in regional fish populations and the fishing industry.

Northwest Fisheries Science Center 16mm Film Conversion to Digital Format
From the early 1950s to the 1970s the Northwest Fisheries Science Center documented many research projects on 16mm film. With the advent of digital imaging, these films are now obsolete, unusable and are slowly degrading in storage. This project will convert approximately 2 hours of 16mm film footage into digital format for preservation and/or editing.

Preserving Research & Cultural Heritage for NOAA/Cooperative Oxford Laboratory
Since 1960, the NOAA Cooperative Oxford Laboratory has been making significant contributions to coastal ecosystem health issues in the mid-Atlantic region, beginning with its early research focus on devastating oyster diseases. This project will consolidate, catalog, and preserve a number of historic photographs, documents, and other artifacts that are stored and dispersed across multiple organizations.

Tampa Bay Weather History - Our Harrowing Past
Two frail, leather bound U.S. Weather Service Bureau mean books dating back to 1890, will be scanned and rebound and teamed with other records, old original weather maps, news articles, and photos of major past events to create a dynamic web viewing experience that uses past weather events to help inform and educate current Bay area residents of the hazards of the severe weather that can assault the Bay area.

Chronicling the Past: Preserving NOAA's links to the Maritime and Cultural Heritage of Lahaina, Hawaii
A historical preservation project featured Lahaina's colorful history. Oral histories were recorded and outreach products were generated.

Return to Shipwreck Beach: A Coastal Resources Awareness Project
NOAA's Pacific Islands Region joined with the University of Hawaii to survey a steamship wreck near Lake Wahie.

Pribilof Islands Historical Photographs Exhibits
The Pribilof Islands fur-seal industry has had a direct impact on the economic, social, and environmental history of Russia, the United States, and Native Alaskans and its history is recorded in photographs and other archival documents. This project will create two unique exhibits: portraits of St. George Island residents taken in 1923 to be housed at the Aleutian/Pribilof Islands Association Cultural Heritage Center (Anchorage), and images from the U.S. Bureau of Fisheries Pribilof Islands Photographs taken in the 1910s and 1920s at the Anchorage Native Heritage Center.

Click here for more detailed information on the 2009 NOAA PAIIF funded projects.

For additional information, contact Katie Garrett or Cheryl Oliver.