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Marine Corps Logistics Base Albany

"Committed to having the Courage to practice Honor"

MCLB Albany Family Readiness Officer

BLDG 7200 ROOM 120
(across from Medical)
OFFICE#: (229) 639-8896
TOLL FREE#: 1-866-463-3350
CELL#: (229) 854-4612

For comments, questions, or concerns, please email

"Marines take care of their own - period. The enduring pledge between Marines is never more sacred than during time of war. Just as every Marine makes a commitment to the Corps when they earn the title Marine, the Corps makes an enduring commitment to every Marine - and an enduring commitment to their family." (Quote by General Conway, 34th CMC Planning Guidance)

What is Family Readiness? Family readiness is when military members (married or single) and their families have the knowledge and resources to meet the challenges of the military lifestyle. The Marine Corps Order (MCO) for family readiness is MCO 1754.9.

What can a Family Readiness Officer (FRO) do for you?

  • The FRO is the Command’s representative and point of contact for all family readiness issues and concerns for all military members, both married and single.
  • The subject matter expert for all MCCS programs, events and resources.
  • Advocate and information source for the families of single Marines.
How can you assist the Family Readiness Team?

  • Maintain your wills, powers of attorney, contact information and other important family documents as applicable.
  • Volunteer as a Family Readiness Assistants or Morale Support Volunteers
  • Share information with other military-connected families.
  • Support family events through attendance and participation.
  • Advocate and provide support for families who have members deployed.
Your Family Readiness Team is comprised of:
  • The MCLB Commanding Officer, Executive Officer, and Sergeant Major (229) 639-5202
  • The MCLB Family Readiness Officer, Family Readiness Assistants, and Morale Support Volunteers (229) 639-8896
  • The MCLB Chaplain (229) 639-5284
  • The MCLB Family Readiness Advisor (229) 639-8896
All military members and spouses (active and reserve) in Albany area:
Your Family Readiness Officer and the Family Readiness Team are here to assist with any aspect of the military lifestyle.

For comments, questions, or concerns, please email
MCLB Albany