DoDEA Virtual High School

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DoDEA Virtual High School Frequently Asked Questions

Please navigate through the FAQ below to find the answers to commonly asked questions regarding the DoDEA Virtual High School program.

Eligibility requirements are the same as for any DoDEA school. Priority for enrollment is based upon categories of eligibility. Please see the DoDEA website for more information at

Only those students residing on installations where DoDEA operates a High School (Fort Campbell, Fort Knox, Camp Lejeune and Quantico) may request enrollment in the DoDEA Virtual High School to supplement their program.

Enrollment in DVHS may be available if the local school cannot accommodate the particular course requests. However, the Virtual High School supplements local high school coursework. The Virtual High School is not intended to replace or even compete with the face-to-face learning experience of a traditional brick and mortar high school.

Yes, as long as your child meets the eligibility for the Non-DoD Schools Program (NDSP) program, your child is eligible to attend the DoDEA Virtual High School.

No, your child is not eligible to attend the DoDEA Virtual High School. Authority for the education of home school students within the continental U.S. (CONUS) resides with the local educational agencies.

The intent of the Virtual High School is to supplement local high school coursework. Virtual School is not intended to replace or even compete with the face-to-face learning experience of a traditional brick and mortar high school. The Virtual High School will complement traditional high school attendance. With more than 40 classes being offered in the Fall of 2010 and more classes being added over the school year, the Virtual High School will allow students opportunities to take many classes they might otherwise have missed.

No. If a class is offered, a student must take the class locally unless there is a schedule conflict or other extenuating circumstance. Approval for enrollment is required by the Virtual High School Principal.

The DoDEA Virtual School courses are customized, standards-based courses specifically designed to meet DoDEA graduation requirements of 26 credits for a standard or Honors diploma. The Virtual High School courses are consistent with these curriculum standards, delivery of instruction and performance expectations for DoDEA high school courses.

The intent of the DoDEA Virtual High School is to expand access to education and provide curricular options similar to programs delivered within DoDEA schools. DVHS courses will address the same standards, performance expectations and provide advantages of creating a systemic approach to curriculum and instruction that also has the benefit of brick and mortar instruction.

The Virtual High School will operate from three hubs to accommodate worldwide delivery to the students it will serve. The first two hubs have been established in Wiesbaden, Germany and at Camp Humphreys in Korea. The third hub will be located at Quantico Marine Corps Base. These locations - within the different time zones - allow for synchronous interaction to support learning.

Although the DoDEA Virtual High School affords the opportunity for flexible scheduling, to ensure success, students should have a designated time period in which to complete coursework. Student may also be able to complete assignments wherever and whenever they have Internet access but ongoing and routine participation is crucial. While some learning will be able to take place at any time the student chooses (reading, research, etc.) some of the requirements include participating in live, on-line discussions via web conferencing, in addition to video and/or audio chats.

To be successful in the Virtual School Program, students must be more proactive than they must be in many brick and mortar classrooms. The virtual environment encourages students to be self-starters but also provides assistance from teachers, local facilitators and technical support technicians.

DVHS students are required to complete a student orientation that is intended to introduce prospective students to online learning opportunities offered through DoDEA Virtual High School. The goal of the orientation is to increase student readiness and self-confidence while enrolled in a virtual learning program.

DVHS students are encouraged to establish a strong rapport with online instructors to help address course questions or challenges. Each DVHS student has a variety of ways in which to contact his/her course instructor when questions arise about course content or if one-on-one assistance is needed. Listed within each course is the course instructor's email address and office phone number. The Jabber Moment IM tool is also available for synchronous chat communication.

A local facilitator is also assigned for each student to provide routine monitoring and to help address on-site issues or with contacting technical support technicians regarding access issues. The local facilitator's role is critical for helping students to develop time-management skills, ensure successful completion, and address academic integrity issues.

Students participating through the NDSP program will work with a facilitator assigned to them at time of admission.

The DVHS is open to all students who meet DoDEA eligibility requirements. Special educators work collaboratively with online instructors and share the responsibility for assisting students with identified disabilities to be successful in the online environment. All students can learn when instruction is geared to their strengths and are given sufficient opportunity to learn.

Virtual School courses are for all levels of students, from those who are in gifted and talented programs to those who have identified special needs.

Yes. Local school counselors serve as the primary contact for students concurrently enrolled in DoDEA schools. The Virtual High School counselor will work in conjunction with local school counselors and is available for students and parents who may have specific questions about the program. Contact information for the Virtual High School counselor is provided via the DVHS website by clicking, The Virtual High School Counseling Program. Students participating through the NDSP program will work with a counselor assigned to them at time of admission.

Interaction with peers is definitely a part of the online high school experience. Depending on the course requirements, students can expect to interact in discussion boards, blogs, wikis, and web conferencing to collaborate, share ideas, and learn from each other.

Students participating in DVHS coursework at DoDEA schools will have access to school computers and equipment. Students are responsible for developing a plan to access computers (whether at home or at a public place like a library) to complete coursework outside of the school day. Students participating through the NDSP program will coordinate access needs with a counselor assigned to them at time of admission.

To ensure a successful online learning experience, students enrolled in DVHS coursework through DoDEA schools should acquire Gaggle email accounts for communicating with the instructors. Course materials such as textbooks and lab materials should be obtained prior to the first day of instruction from their local schools.

NDSP students should consult with their local Area NDSP Program Offices to acquire course materials. Additional information can be found on the DVHS website at Course Catalog School Year 12-13.

Early withdrawals for reasons other than Permanent Change of Station (PCS) or emergency leave are discouraged and may adversely affect a student's grades. DoDEA policy dictates that PCS students cannot receive full semester/course credit prior to a minimum of 20 school days before the last day of school.

If a student will be withdrawn or transferred before the end of the school year, parents should:

  • Notify the school/NDSP office as soon as the PCS date is known but no later than 10 school days prior to the last day of attendance. Local school/NDSP staff will notify the Virtual High School.
  • Ensure that the student has notified the online teacher and coordinated completion of required assignments prior to departure.

Some of the advantages of DoDEA's Virtual High School include: increasing education options for eligible military-connected students, assisting transitioning students by allowing them to take the classes they need, regardless of their location, and enhancing curriculum by providing additional resources to fill gaps, addressing needs for advanced academic coursework such as AP courses, and providing flexible in scheduling.

Students interested in enrolling in DVHS courses should consult with their DoDEA high school counselor or NonDOD School Program (NDSP) Area Office to designate course requests. These requests will be forwarded to DVHS staff to place enrolled students in courses among the three hubs located in Germany, Korea, and the U.S.

Priority for courses is based on DoDEA's eligibility categories. For additional information on the categories, visit DoDEA's website at:

Confirmation of enrollment will be sent to the school facilitator DoDEA/NDSP Area Office who will then notify students when they have been enrolled in DVHS.

Students will not be considered to be enrolled in their requested courses until the student's home school or NDSP facilitator receives a confirmation roster from the Virtual High School staff.