News Room

Combating Human Trafficking
Oct 11 2011

“Human trafficking: No, No, No” rang out the chant from 20,000 people, repeating ASEAN Secretary-General Dr. Surin Pitsuwan’s call to action live from stage. They had travelled from across Thailand to be there and braved torrential rain, however, their spirits were not dampened. They were there to see their favorite artists perform and join a fight. A fight that is crucial for their futures.

Hands holding a cell phone and money
Oct 9 2011

Mobile money is not just about financial inclusion.  It is not just a lever of opportunity for the poor.  It can also serve as the lynchpin in government efforts to improve transparency, mitigate corruption, reduce leakages in the disbursement of funds, and undercut serious threats to our security.   In Afghanistan, it’s serving both these purposes.

Mobile Banking
Woman checking information on a mobile phone
Oct 8 2011

The January 2010 earthquake devastated Haiti.  It left in its wake a government in rubble, an economy in shambles, and a people living in makeshift camps, coping with loss, financial ruin and disease.  Against this tragic backdrop, the possibility of progress lives not just in the resilient spirit of the Haitian people, but also in the simple power of their mobile phones.  

a picture of a store
Oct 5 2011

Mobile payment streams are critical for a number of reasons.  They can serve as the rails that other financial instruments can ride.  For example, it enables governments to customize product offerings, like conditional cash transfers.  This is the case in Colombia.

Mobile Banking
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene project in remote southwestern Ethiopia
Oct 4 2011

Global Team for Local Initiative (GTLI) is implementing a Development Grants Program-funded Water, Sanitation and Hygiene project for the threatened Hamar tribe in southwestern Ethiopia. GTLI is working to provide clean water within a reasonable walking distance for 3,000 people, deliver community-based hygiene education and training for the purpose of disease prevention, and provide simple and easily maintained water and sanitation facilities.

Development Grants Program supports local artisans in Macedonia
Oct 4 2011

The Macedonian Artisan Trade Association (MATA), a DGP recipient, supports opportunities for women, the younger generation who have little means of earning income, and skilled professionals, by developing and marketing their products. MATA assists creative micro businesses with blending all necessary elements to create new products which meet contemporary market needs. Specifically, MATA provides product development, marketing readiness training, designer mentoring, and computer design, preparing artisans for today’s business environment.

Two women stadning in front of a white board
Oct 4 2011

On May 16-17, 2011, staff of the Association for Persons with Disabilities (APDT), a local NGO in Tsalenjikha-Georgia and a recipient of DGP funding, participated in a Knowledge Management workshop to strengthen their organizational capacity. Prior to design of the workshop, a Needs Assessment had revealed that APDT had heard about Knowledge Management and was open to practicing it. ADPT wished to train one of their own staff in knowledge Management to build the Knowledge Management capacity of other NGOs and interested organizations.

School children sitting in front of computers
Oct 4 2011

Through partners of USAID’s Limited Excess Property Program, excess computer equipment is used to provide training to local students in both El Salvador and Nicaragua. Under the LEPP program, private voluntary organizations, such as Food for the Poor, receive excess government property for use in their overseas programs. This property serves to build the capacity and the speed and efficiency of local in-country partners, including schools, hospitals and training facilities.

Photo of a woman served by USAID partner GTLI
Oct 4 2011

One of the first steps of building partnerships with Private Voluntary Organizations (PVOs) is through PVO Registration. Registration has allowed PVOs like the Global Team for Local Initiatives (GTLI) to participate in USAID’s Development Grants Program and use USAID funding to bring their programs to scale.

Man standing at a counter
Oct 4 2011

Mobile banking is a new and innovative way to extend financial inclusion to those who lack basic financial services.  Like anything that is new and innovative, striking the right the regulatory balance can be difficult—too restrictive and you limit access, too lax and you put consumers at risk.  USAID is committed to working with in-country regulatory authorities to develop risk based norms and standards to guide a safe and robust mobile financial services sector.  USAID’s work in the Philippines serves as an apt example.