
Sports & Youth Development

Sport Impact & Youth Development
Date Published: 
October 9, 2011
Sports based youth programs has the unique ability to be used as a platform for development, in a broad range of sectors including peace and conflict, gender inequality, health, education and economic development.


School children sitting in front of computers
Date Published: 
October 4, 2011
Through partners of USAID’s Limited Excess Property Program, excess computer equipment is used to provide training to local students in both El Salvador and Nicaragua.


Oct 4 2011
School children sitting in front of computers

Through partners of USAID’s Limited Excess Property Program, excess computer equipment is used to provide training to local students in both El Salvador and Nicaragua. Under the LEPP program, private voluntary organizations, such as Food for the Poor, receive excess government property for use in their overseas programs. This property serves to build the capacity and the speed and efficiency of local in-country partners, including schools, hospitals and training facilities.

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