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Events 2012

My Germany - Experiences, Impressions and Memories of Deputy Principal Officer Charisse Phillips

March 13, 2012
Deputy Principal Officer Charisse Phillips (Photo: State Department)

Deputy Principal Officer Charisse Phillips (Photo: State Department)

Ret. General Christian Millotat welcomed Charisse Phillips, Deputy Principal Officer at the U.S. Consulate General Frankfurt, as a speaker at the "Forum Mainz," a lecture series organized by Deutsche Atlantische Gesellschaft on March 13.  Almost 100 high-ranking guests assembled at the Osteiner Hof in Mainz to listen to Phillips' presentation on "My Germany - Experiences, Impressions and Memories of an American Diplomat." Born in the former U.S. Military Hospital at Frankfurt's Gießener Straße which is now the U.S. Consulate General where she works, Ms. Phillips shared a wide spectrum of personal reflections on Germany in her presentation and in the following lively discussion.