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Computer Modeling

Ecologists develop computer models to predict what will grow in the forest if flooding or other factors change. Such models help predict the effects of water-level management on greentree reservoirs in national wildlife refuges. Models can help managers maintain wetland forests in areas undergoing rapid subsidence and saltwater intrusion from sea-level rise and are subject to recurring hurricane disturbance. Such areas include those containing coastal pine, hardwood, and mangrove systems of the Gulf of Mexico region.


  • Development of an Ecosystem Model of Vegetation Succession and Surface Water Management for Mississippi River Deltaic Wetlands (Dr. Thomas W. Doyle)

  • Modeling and Detecting the Effects of Fire and Hurricane Disturbance on Coastal Wetland Systems: Solving Problems of Scale and Hierarchy (Dr. Thomas W. Doyle)

  • Modeling Landscape Structure and Effects of Wetland Forest Management Practices on Wildlife (Drs. Jacoby Carter and Wylie Barrow)

  • Modeling Mangrove Community and Disturbance Regimes for the South Florida Biogeographical Area (Dr. Thomas W. Doyle)

  • Modeling the Effects of Nutria (Myocastor coypus) on Wetland Loss (Dr. Jacoby Carter and Lori Johnson-Randall)
    • Download Nutria-Marsh Biomass-Marsh Area Loss Model.

  • Process Modeling of Wetland Systems, Form, and Function: An Integrated Hierarchial Approach (Dr. Thomas W. Doyle)

  • Review and Synthesis of Dynamic Simulation Models for Predicting Global Climate Change Effects (Dr. Thomas W. Doyle)

  • Population dynamic models of nutria alligator interaction (Dr. Jacoby Carter)

  • Spatially explicit models of nutria invasion (Dr. Jacoby Carter)

  • Models of green treefrog (Hyla cinerea) population estimations and population dynamics (Dr. Jacoby Carter)

  • Mottled Duck population models (Dr. Jacoby Carter)

  • Land use change models for the Xalapa Region of Mexico (Dr. Jacoby Carter)

  • Individual based expert system and energetic models of animal foraging (Dr. Jacoby Carter)

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