U.S. Army Cyber Command - U.S. 2nd Army - ARMY CYBER

Army Cyber Command Inspector General

The Army Cyber Command Office of The Inspector General (OIG) makes it convenient for anyone to file a complaint. It is recommended you contact your local Inspector General to initiate a request for assistance or to file a complaint.


How to make an IG Complaint

Complete a DA Form 1559 e-mail or bring it to the Inspector General Office. Please include your complete mailing address and daytime telephone number so we may contact you for clarification. In addition, be sure to state the specific action you are requesting and include the following:

  1. The details of the incident to better inform us of the situation.
  2. Who you have contacted to try and resolve the issue (example: name of person in chain-of-command, name of supervisor, etc).
  3. Copies of any documentation pertaining to the complaint.


What types of complaints are not IG appropriate?

The following issues and allegations are ordinarily not appropriate for IG intervention:

  • Criminal allegations
  • Issues that have other means of redress:
    • Courts-martial actions
    • Non-judicial punishment
    • Officer/NCO evaluation reports
    • Enlisted reductions
    • Type of discharge received
    • Pending or requested discharge
    • Financial liability investigations of property loss
    • Adverse information filed in personnel records (except for allegations of reprisal)
    • Claims
  • Non Army related issues
  • Soldier EO complaints
  • Civilian allegations of reprisal
  • DOD civilian employee redress through other channels
  • Hazardous work conditions


Persons who ask the IG for help, make a complaint, give evidence, contact or assist an IG during an inspection or investigation, or otherwise interact with an IG, often have an expectation of confidentiality. The expectation encompasses safeguarding their identities and the nature of their contacts with the IG, and protection against reprisal.

The IG has a duty to protect confidentiality to the maximum extent possible, particularly when it is specifically requested. While the need for confidentiality and the measures necessary to protect it will vary with the circumstances, the IG always gives this issue priority attention. However, it is important to remember that while confidentiality is a priority with Inspectors General, it cannot always be guaranteed.

Reference AR 20-1 or contact your IG for more information.


Our Mission

Mission: The ARCYBER Inspector General serves as an extension of the Commanding General by providing an independent and impartial assessment of the morale, welfare, and discipline of the command and reports on other matters that impact upon the economy and/or efficiency of the command.


What Can We Do For You

  • Give confidential assistance
  • Conduct confidential unit ulimate assessments
  • Inspect for systemic problems
  • Teach and train during inspections
  • Inquire into alleged wrongdoing with maximum confidentiality
  • Investigate to protect the good name of the command and/or the individual
  • Review policies/ethical standards/command policy letters
  • Give guidance on how to resolve Soldier problems


Anyone may submit a complaint, allegation, or request for assistance on a DA Form 1559 to any Army IG concerning matters of Army interest.



IGs conduct inspections, at the direction of the Commanding General, which identify systemic issues; teach procedures; and  offer the opportunity to share innovative ideas.



IGs may investigate or conduct investigative IG inquiries into allegations of violations of policy, regulation, or law and mismanagement, unethical behavior, or misconduct.

Teach and Train

IGs use  knowledge and experience during assistance, inspections, and investigations to teach and train policies and procedures.

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