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Assistance to Angola

During fiscal year 2010, U.S. Government (USG) assistance to Angola will total more than $87 million.  Angola is a Presidential Malaria Initiative (PMI) and President's Emergency Program for Aids Relief (PEPFAR) focus country, and these initiatives comprise approximately two-thirds of USG funding.  USAID-funded programs focus on democracy and governance, economic opportunity, and health, with primary initiatives focusing on municipal development, civil society strengthening, agriculture, malaria and HIV/AIDS. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) funds HIV/AIDS prevention and malaria control programs, in addition to providing other health-related technical assistance.  The Embassy also supports humanitarian demining and weapons abatement programs. The Department of Defense provides English language training, and HIV/AIDS assistance.  The USG funds programs in every one of Angola's 18 provinces, with the goal of building a more  peaceful, secure, healthy, prosperous and democratic Angola.

On the below links you can find out more information about some of the U.S. Government programs that provide assistance in Angola: