Fermilab Business Services Section
Fermilab Business Services Section

Telecommunications - Leased Long Range Pagers (Non-Government Frequency)

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Long range pagers are leased equipment and charged to project and task codes on a quarterly basis. An annual blanket purchase order exists and new requests are added to this P.O. by Telecom. Renewals are not necessary. An inventory database is maintained by Telecom and requests to end-date (disconnect) or reassign pager service should be submitted to the Telecom Department. All end-dated pagers are required to be turned in to Telecom. Lost or stolen pagers will be subject to an “Equipment Not Returned” fee of $10 to $99 depending on the pager style. Long range pagers may carry either local or toll-free area codes and are available in the following styles:


Numeric – Receives only numeric pages


Alpha – Receives either alpha or numeric characters


Two-Way – Receives either alpha or numeric characters and provides the holder the opportunity of replying to messages from the built-in QWERTY keyboard.


Only Fermilab employees may submit a purchase requisition for a long range pager. While visitors and contractors may be recorded as the user of the pager, the responsible holder must be an employee. Requestors must complete a paper purchase requisition (see below) and submit the completed form to the Telecom Department. This purchase requisition must include a valid project and task code for quarterly charges and be approved by the requestor’s supervisor. The responsible holder of the long range pager is required to complete and submit to Telecom an Inventory Verification annually.


NUMERIC PAGER Purchase Requisition - PDF

NUMERIC PAGER Purchase Requisition - WORD

ALPHA PAGER Purchase Requisition - PDF

ALPHA PAGER Purchase Requisition - WORD

TWO-WAY PAGER Purchase Requisition - PDF

TWO-WAY PAGER Purchase Requisition - WORD