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PMI: Presidents Malaria Initiative - Saving lives in Africa.

Pesticide Management

  Photo of Spray operators practicing progressive rinsing of their pumps to minimize quantities of contaminated rinse water in Masakalina, Anjozorobe, Madagascar.
  To minimize quantities of contaminated rinse water, spray operators practice progressive rinsing of their pumps in Madagascar. Read the full story.
Source: Donald Dickerson/USAID Madagascar

Promoting the safe and judicious use of pesticides is a core component of PMI. As a federal agency, USAID is subject to U.S. environmental regulations, which ensure that development programs, such as PMI, are not only economically sustainable, but also protect the host country's residents, malaria control workers, and environment. USAID's environmental regulations are defined in 22 CFR 216.

To support overarching PMI issues, USAID engaged in a Programmatic Environmental Assessment (PEA) for insecticide-treated materials and integrated vector management, including indoor residual spraying. The PEA is used to guide the follow-up country-specific Supplemental Environmental Assessments, which include "safer use action plans" in any country where support includes the use of pesticides. USAID and PMI policies and procedures for improving the safe and judicious use of pesticides are closely aligned with international standards and regulations, which can be found in the Resources section below, particularly the World Health Organization Pesticide Evaluation Scheme.


USAID Environmental Regulations

Programmatic Environmental Assessments

Country-Specific Supplemental Environmental Assessments










Additional Resources