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Hathaway Presentations

"Solar System Scale Model" [26 kb pdf] Prepared for science teachers (2011/03/14 1:59:26 am).

"Solar Cycle Update with Implications for HAMs:" [11 Mb] Presented at Huntsville Hamfest (2012/08/18).

Associated movies:
SolarMagnetism.avi [61 Mb]
BastilleDayEvent.avi [44 Mb]
SolarFlareToAurorae.mpeg [13 Mb]
HathawayMovie.avi [86 Mb]
HMI_4Day100G.avi [15 Mb]
SynchronicMaps2001.avi [522 Mb]
SouthPoleReversal20011.avi [150 Mb]

"The Solar Dynamo Saga: Chapter 12:" [11 Mb] Presented at UC Berkeley (2011/12/02) and at NSO/Tucson (2011/12/12).

Associated movies:
HathawayMovie.avi [86 Mb]
HMI_4Day100G.avi [15 Mb]
DikpatiSolarCycle.avi [1 Mb]
soi_supergranules.mpg [3 Mb]
SynchronicMapsMovie.avi [94 Mb]

"Sunspots, The Sunspot cycle, and Earth's Climate:" [15 Mb] Presented as a UAH Atmospheric Sciences Seminar, Huntsville, AL (2011/08/24).

Associated movies:
SolarMagnetism.avi [61 Mb]
HathawayMovie.avi [86 Mb]
HMI_4Day100G.avi [15 Mb]
SynchronicMapsMovie01.avi [160 Mb]

"Synchronic Maps - The Inner Boundary Condition for the Heliosphere:" [12.6 Mb] Presentation to the Joint Space Weather Summer Camp, Huntsville, AL (2011/08/02).

Associated movies:
HathawayMovie.avi [86 Mb]
HMI_4Day100G.avi [15 Mb]
SupergranuleDiffusionSim1.avi [24 Mb]
SupergranuleDiffusionSim1MF.avi [24 Mb]
SupergranuleDiffusionSim2.avi [24 Mb]
SynchronicMapsMovie.avi [165 Mb]

"The Sunspot Cycle, Convection Zone Dynamics, and the Solar Dynamo:" [12.6 Mb] Presentation to the Joint Space Weather Summer Camp, Huntsville, AL (2011/08/01).

Associated movies:
HathawayMovie.avi [86 Mb]
SunspotGranulationAR9407_01apr01.avi [8 Mb]
soi_supergranules.mpg [3 Mb]
DikpatiSolarCycle.avi [1 Mb]

"The Solar Dynamo Saga: Chapter 11" [7.5 Mb] Presentation at the Huntsville Hamfest, Huntsville, AL (2009/08/15).

Associated movies:
BastilleDayEvent.avi [44 Mb]
Sunspot10030Zoom.avi [22 Mb]
SolarMagnetism.avi [61 Mb]
MagnetogramMovie2009.avi [27 Mb]
DikpatiSolarCycle.avi [1 Mb]

"Sunspots, Space Weather, and Climate" [9.7 Mb] North Dakota Capstone Banquet Presentation Grand Forks, ND (2009/08/05).

Associated movies:
Sunspot10030Zoom.avi [22 Mb]
MagnetogramMovie2009.avi [27 Mb]
SeahorseFlare.avi [56 Mb]
GrandDaddyProminence.avi [14 Mb]
HinodeProminence.avi [81 Mb]
c2_1mth.mpg [3 Mb]
BastilleDayEvent.avi [44 Mb]
SolarMagnetism.avi [61 Mb]
SolarFlareToAurorae.mpeg [13 Mb]

"Sunspots, Space Weather, and Climate" [9.7 Mb] Public Lecture presented in Boulder, CO (2009/06/16).

Associated movies:
Sunspot10030Zoom.avi [22 Mb]
MagnetogramMovie2009.avi [27 Mb]
SeahorseFlare.avi [56 Mb]
GrandDaddyProminence.avi [14 Mb]
HinodeProminence.avi [81 Mb]
c2_1mth.mpg [3 Mb]
BastilleDayEvent.avi [44 Mb]
SolarMagnetism.avi [61 Mb]
SolarFlareToAurorae.mpeg [13 Mb]

"Predicting the Sunspot Cycle" [10.1 Mb] Presented at Astrofest, London, UK (2009/02/07).

Associated movies:
Hathaway_Movie2008.avi [32 Mb]
DikpatiSolarCycle.avi [1 Mb]

"Activity Cycles in Stars" [8.5 Mb] Presented at Astrofest, London, UK (2009/02/06).

Associated movies:
SolarMagnetism.avi [53 Mb]
DikpatiSolarCycle.avi [1 Mb]

"Solar Photospheric Flows and the Sunspot Cycle?" [12.9 Mb] Presented as an NSSTC Seminar, Huntsville, AL (2009/01/09).

Associated movies:
SolarMagnetism.avi [53 Mb]
Hathaway_Movie2008.avi [32 Mb]
SVST_granulation.mpg [0.5 Mb]
Supergranules.avi [53 Mb]
DikpatiSolarCycle.avi [1 Mb]
MagElementMovie2.avi [31 Mb]

"To What Extent Does Solar Variability Contribute to Climate Change?" [3.5 Mb] Presented as a UAH Brown Bag Seminar, Huntsville, AL (2008/02/27).

Associated movies:
BastilleDayEvent.avi [44 Mb]
SolarMagnetismNew.avi [224 Mb]
HathawayMagnetogramMovie2007.avi [120 Mb]

"Solar Cycle Update" [4.0 Mb] Presented at the 2007 Huntsville Hamfest in Huntsville, AL (2007/08/18).

Associated movies:
BastilleDayShort.avi [6.2 Mb]
granddaddy.mpg [4 Mb]
c2_1mth.mpg [3 Mb]
SolarFlareToAurorae.mpeg [13 Mb]
SolarMagnetismNew.avi [224 Mb]
HathawayMagnetogramMovie2007.avi [120 Mb]
DikpatiSolarCycle.avi [1 Mb]

"The Solar Cycle" [2.7 Mb] Presented at the AAS/SPD Meetin in Honolulu, HI (2007/05/30).

Associated movies:
BastilleDayShort.avi [6.2 Mb]
HathawayMagnetogramMovie2007.avi [120 Mb]
DikpatiSolarCycle.avi [1 Mb]

"Space Weather Activities at NSSTC" [7.0 Mb] Presented to the Oklahoma Space Grant Tour Group (2007/03/23).

Associated movies:
BastilleDayEvent.avi [44 Mb]
SolarMagnetismNew.avi [224 Mb]
Hathaway_Movie2005.avi [138 Mb]
DikpatiSolarCycle.avi [1 Mb]
CME_bkout-3D-far.avi [30 Mb]
SolarFlareToAurorae.mpeg [13 Mb]
MagnetosphereMovie.mpeg [4 Mb]

"Predicting the Next Solar Cycle" [4.6 Mb] Presented as an NSSTC Space Science Seminar (2007/02/16).

Associated movies:
BastilleDayEvent.avi [44 Mb]
Hathaway_Movie2005.avi [138 Mb]
DikpatiSolarCycle.avi [1 Mb]
MagnetosphereMovie.mpeg [4 Mb]
FlareCME2Earth.avi [240 Mb]

"Understanding and Predicting the Solar Activity Cycle" [4.6 Mb] Presented as an NSSTC Space Science Seminar (2006/07/28).

Associated movies:
AR7978_Evolution.avi [73 Mb]
BastilleDayEvent.avi [44 Mb]
SolarMagnetismNew.avi [224 Mb]
Hathaway_Movie2005.avi [138 Mb]
DikpatiSolarCycle.avi [1 Mb]
GONG_PModes.mpeg [3 Mb]
SunspotGranulationAR9407_01apr01.avi [8 Mb]

"Space Weather and Space Exploration" [7.9 Mb] Presented to the NASA Academy Students at MSFC (2006/07/20).

Associated movies:
limb_flare.mpg [4 Mb]
granddaddy.mpg [4 Mb]
c23nov97.mpg [5 Mb]
AR9407_01apr01.avi [8 Mb]
BastilleDayEvent.avi [44 Mb]
SolarMagnetismNew.avi [229 Mb]
Hathaway_Movie2005.avi [138 Mb]
DikpatiCharbonneauDynamo.avi [15 Mb]
CME_bkout-3D-far.avi [30 Mb]

"Understanding and Predicting the Sunspot Cycle" [1.2 Mb] Presented on the Greek island of Kastellorizo prior to the total solar eclipse (2006/03/26).

Associated movies:
SolarMagnetismNew.avi [224 Mb]
Hathaway_Movie2005.avi [138 Mb]
DikpatiCharbonneauDynamo.avi [15 Mb]

"Long-Term Space Weather and Terrestrial Climate" [8.6 Mb] Presented at NSSTC Space Science Seminar (2004/12/17).

Associated movies:
BastilleDayEvent.avi [44 Mb]
SolarRotation.avi [18 Mb]
AR9407_01apr01.avi [8 Mb]
Hathaway_Movie2002.avi [86 Mb]
DikpatiSolarCycle.avi [1.1 Mb]

"What the Long-Term Sunspot Record Tells Us About Space Climate" [1.9 Mb] Presented at the Space Climate Symposium, Oulu, Finland (2004/06/21).

Associated movies:
Hathaway_Movie2002.avi [86 Mb]
DikpatiSolarCycle.avi [1.1 Mb]

"Recent Progress in Understanding the Sun's Magnetic Dynamo" [1.8 Mb] Presented at Vanderbilt University (2004/04/08) and University of Texas, Arlington (2004/04/28).

Associated movies:
Hathaway_Movie2002.avi [86 Mb]
AR7978_Evolution.avi [73 Mb]
DikpatiSolarCycle.avi [1.1 Mb]

"Flows in the Solar Convection Zone" [4.4 Mb] Presented at COSPAR, Paris, France (2004/07/18).

Associated movies:
SVST_granulation.mpg [0.5 Mb]
Cattaneo_corks.mpg [6 Mb]
DopplerFeatures128New.avi [21 Mb]
giant_cells.mpg [9 Mb]
Hathaway_Movie2002.avi [86 Mb]

"Solar Cycle Update: Long-Term Effects" [6.5 Mb] Presented at the Huntsville Hamfest, Huntsville, AL (2004/08/21).

Associated movies:
BastilleDayEvent.avi [44 Mb]
SolarRotation.avi [18 Mb]
AR9407_01apr01.avi [8 Mb]
Hathaway_Movie2002.avi [86 Mb]
DikpatiSolarCycle.avi [1.1 Mb]

"How Large-Scale Flows in the Solar Convection Zone May Influence Solar Activity" [7.5 Mb] Presented at the 22 NSO Workshop, Sunspot, NM (2004/10/18).

Associated movies:
Hathaway_Movie2002.avi [86 Mb]
SVST_granulation.mpg [0.5 Mb]
Cattaneo_corks.mpg [6 Mb]
DopplerFeatures128New.avi [21 Mb]
giant_cells.mpg [9 Mb]

"Modern Solar Mysteries" [7.0 Mb] Presented at the Dyer Observatory, Nashville, TN (2004/04/08).

Associated movies:
SolarRotation.avi [18 Mb]
seahorse.mpg [2 Mb]
limb_flare.mpg [4 Mb]
granddaddy.mpg [4 Mb]
c2_1mth.mpg [3 Mb]
T171_13-21March2001_AR9373.avi [16 Mb]
PostFlareLoops_Intensity.avi [43 Mb]
Hathaway_Movie2002.avi [86 Mb]
DikpatiSolarCycle.avi [1.1 Mb]
BastilleDayEvent.avi [44 Mb]


Web Links
NOAA's Space Weather Prediction Center - Today's Space Weather Updated Every 5-minutes - Latest Images from the Solar Dynamics Observatory
National Space Weather Program - The U.S. Government and Space Weather
First Gov Image + NASA Privacy, Security, Notices
+ Visit Solar Terrestrial Probes Program
+ Visit Living With a Star Program
NASA Logo Image Author: Dr. David H. Hathaway, david.hathaway @
Curator: Mitzi Adams, mitzi.adams @

Last Updated: August 21, 2012