TARDEC tagline - Lead, Innovate, Integrate, Deliver

Doing Business with Us

Metallurgist Midge Krueger studies test samples in TARDEC’s Metallurgical and Failure Analysis Laboratory.

The U.S. Army Tank Automotive Research, Development and Engineering Center (TARDEC) develops and integrates the right technology solutions to improve Current Force effectiveness and provide superior capabilities for the Future Force. Our technical staff leads research in ground systems survivability, power and mobility, intelligent ground systems, force projection and vehicle electronics architecture.

There are many ways to do business with TARDEC, and the organization is keen to partner with industry and academia to harness new technologies for emerging systems, integrate new energy and propulsion alternatives, reduce operating and maintenance costs of fielded systems, and ensure that our Soldiers have the best performing, most reliable and easiest to maintain ground vehicles in the world.

The most effective way to learn of TARDEC and other Army solicitations, requirements and market surveys is through the Federal Business Opportunities website at http://www.fedbizopps.gov. Also, information on business opportunities may be found at the TACOM Acquisition website at http://contracting.tacom.army.mil/opportunity.htm.


The National Automotive Center (NAC) serves as a catalyst linking industry, academia and government agencies in the development and exchange of automotive technologies. Its primary focus is to benefit current and future military ground vehicle systems through performance improvements, service life extensions and reductions in ground vehicle design, manufacturing, production, operation and support costs.

The NAC employs several key mechanisms to leverage investments in automotive technology research and development (R&D) and initiate shared technology programs. These mechanism include collaborative automotive technology contracts, Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) contracts, Cooperative Research and Development Agreements (CRADAs) and other cooperative agreements. The NAC also sponsors an academic Center of Excellence for Automotive Research.

Have a question about the NAC? Send us an email at usarmy.detroit.rdecom.mbx.tardec-ground-vehicle-gateway@mail.mil

Learn more about the National Automotive Center

Here are a few ways you can work with TARDEC:

TARDEC utilizes the TACOM Life Cycle Management Command (LCMC) contracting services for publishing solicitations for business opportunities. If you would like to contact them, you may visit their website at: http://contracting.tacom.army.mil. On a wider federal level, solicitations are also published at FBO.gov.

Ground Vehicle Gateway (GVG)

TARDEC has created the GVG to assist in identifying new technologies. The Gateway is an online portal that will help forward inquires or solicited proposals directly to NAC or TARDEC researchers. GVG administrators will log, track and evaluate ideas, facilitating dialogue and prospective partnerships with industry, academia and other government organizations that submit proposals.

Visit the Ground Vehicle Gateway: https://tardec.groundvehiclegateway.com.


SBIR Program

In 1982, Congress established the SBIR Program to ensure representation of small businesses in federal R&D initiatives. The program is administered in accordance with the Small Business Administration SBIR Policy Directive. The SBIR Program is managed locally by TARDEC's NAC as one of the U.S. Army's participating organizations. The SBIR Program's goal is to tap into the innovation and creativity of small businesses to help meet TARDEC's R&D objectives and to develop technologies, products and software that can be commercialized through sales in the private sector or to the government.

TARDEC scientists and engineers develop topics that address technology needs. Topics go through a rigorous review process beginning at the local command and concluding with a final selection board at Department of Defense (DOD) level. Topics are posted on DOD's website at: http://www.acq.osd.mil/osbp/sbir/.

Have a question about the SBIR Program? Send us an email at usarmy.detroit.rdecom.mbx.tardec-ground-vehicle-gateway@mail.mil

Visit TARDEC's SBIR Program information page

CRADA Program

CRADAs are established between federal laboratories and commercial, academic or nonprofit partners to facilitate technology transfer between the parties for mutual benefit. Under a CRADA, the partner may contribute resources such a personnel, services, property and funding to the effort. The government may contribute all of the above except funding.

The Stevenson-Wydler Technology Innovation Act of 1980 made technology transfer part of every federal laboratory's mission. The act facilities technology transfer from federal laboratories to non-federal organizations, providing the latter with a meads to access federal laboratory developments.

Subsequent legislation has provided significant new authorities for federal laboratories to establish CRADAs with private companies as well as public and non-profit organizations. It also allows for the negotiation of licensing arrangements for patented inventions developed at the laboratories.

Have a question about the CRADAs? Send us an email at usarmy.detroit.rdecom.mbx.tardec-ground-vehicle-gateway@mail.mil

Learn more about CRADAs

Education Partnership Agreement (EPA)

EPAs are entered into with educational institutions for the purpose of encouraging and enhancing study in scientific disciplines at all levels of education. These educational institutions include local educational agencies, colleges, universities and any other nonprofit institutions that are dedicated to improving science, mathematics and engineering education.

Patent License Agreement (PLA)

A PLA is an agreement between a federal laboratory and a non-federal organization. The PLA agreement allows a non-federal organization to enter into an agreement (exclusive, partially exclusive or nonexclusive license) for the use of federal government-owned or assigned patent applications, patents or other intellectual properly (e.g., software, copyrights, etc.).

Test Services Agreement (TSA)

A TSA is a technology transfer mechanism that enables federal laboratories to perform work for hire. With a TSA, a federal laboratory performs a test or technical service on materials, processes, equipment, models, devices and computer software for a fee. The fee must cover all direct and indirect costs.

Unlike a CRADA, a TSA is not a joint R&D effort. All inventions and data belong to a TSA partner. For some companies, this type of agreement may be more appealing than a CRADA.

A TSA requires minimal effort to execute and can be enacted in a reasonable short time. TSAs must involve a "unique" government capability and no "undue competition" with the private sector.

TSAs between TARDEC and private entities allow for work to be performed using TARDEC personnel, equipment, materials and facilities.

Broad Agency Announcement (BAA)

A BAA is used when certain kinds of basic or applied R&D not directly related to a particular vehicle system is needed. TARDEC's BAAs are announced in the "Contracting" page of the U.S. Army TACOM LCMC website. A BAA is not a full request for proposal, showing all of the clauses that will apply in the resulting contract. Instead, a BAA describes research and technology areas that TARDEC wants to pursue.

A panel of scientists and engineers reviews the responses received for each BAA. If the panel members decided an abstract has merit, they will ask for the development of a complete proposal. Full proposals are requested only from organizations whose ideas most closely relate to our mission and, therefore, have an improved (though not guaranteed) probability of being funded.

TACOM LCMC publishes each of its BAAs in the Commerce Business Daily at: http://cbdnet.gpo.gov. Each BAA includes information about how to prepare an abstract or proposal and identifies the buyer to contact with any questions.

BAA can be found by contacting the U.S. Army TACOM LCMC Procurement Network at the following website: http://contracting.tacom.army.mil/baa/baapage.htm.