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Remarks, Articles, and News

  • World AIDS Day 2012

    Beginning in 2004, the United States has made an enormous commitment to partnering with South Africa to fight against this devastating disease. 

  • Remarks by U.S. Ambassador Donald H. Gips, at the launch of the School Capacity & Innovation Program (SCIP)

    In order to improve learning outcomes you must increase teacher effectiveness and strengthen classroom and school management. This is a logical statement; students learn more from good teachers in well-run, well-equipped schools.  Also: press release »

  • Statement on the Passing of Kader Asmal.

    It is with deep sadness that we note the passing of South African struggle hero Kader Asmal. In his work fighting the injustice of apartheid, to his role in building democratic South Africa, Dr. Asmal was a leader, a visionary and a mentor.  

  • Tapping Africa’s Potential: Unlocking the Next Frontier of Economic Growth

    May 13, 2011: Sadly, America is falling behind in discovering the vast potential of this continent. The Chinese, the European Union, the BRIC nations are all in Africa, building businesses, opening markets.  

  • Ambassador Discusses Diversity Issues
    Ambassador Discusses Diversity Issues

    February 11, 2011: Ambassador Gips joined Public Diplomacy officer Brian Denver at the American Corner in Bloemfontein to greet students from the University of the Free State (UFS) who recently returned from a study program in the U.S. that explored race, gender, religious and sexual orientation diversity issues on college campuses.  

  • US Ambassador Donald Gips Celebrates first year in South Africa

    September 17, 2010: As South Africa walks toward your goal along the path you set out in 1994, America is very proud to walk with you as a partner, and as a friend. Through our strategic partnership, our two great democracies can achieve great things for our people, and the world.  

  • Address to the South African Institute of International Affairs
    Address to the South African Institute of International Affairs

    August 18, 2010: Through our strategic partnership, our two great democracies can achieve great things for our people, and the world. In 2009, in remarkable demonstrations of democracy at work, new leaders took office in both of our nations. This offered an opportunity for a new beginning in our bilateral relationship, a chance to build a genuine partnership.  

  • World Press Freedom Day 2010

    May 3, 2010: As the world marks World Press Freedom Day today, we honor the journalists who hold governments and elected leaders accountable, and remind ourselves that a free press serves as a critical part of all democracies. Democratic governments are accountable to their citizens, yet a democratic system only functions if the citizens fully participate., 

  • Ambassador Gips
    SA-US Partnership: Anti-Terrorism Assistance Training Course

    March 26, 2010: "It is a great honor to join you at this graduation ceremony upon the conclusion of the ATA Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosives (CBRNE) course."  

  • Diplomacy is changing

    January 20, 2010: Once the preserve of dilettantes exchanging formal communiqués in cloistered offices, today’s diplomacy — call it Diplomacy 2.0 — should be a wide-ranging discussion that involves individuals at all levels from the echoing marble halls of government buildings in the world’s most powerful countries to the 16-year-old with a mobile-enabled cellphone  

  • Celebrating the Legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. at the University of the Free State

    January 18, 2010: "My message to you today is that to truly learn, to truly accomplish the most difficult things, you must try to push outside your comfort zone and take advantage of new opportunities. Learning to seek out diversity will reward you in more ways than you can imagine."  

  • Opening of HIV/AIDS Voluntary Counseling and Testing Event

    November 30, 2009: World AIDS day provides us with the opportunity to recognize the significant strides we have made in the fight against HIV/AIDS over the last 25 years. It also allows us to recommit ourselves to joint efforts with all of our partners to overcome the obstacles and challenges that still stand in our way.  

  • World AIDS Day 2009

    December 1, 2009: On this World Aids Day, 2009, we stand together here in South Africa with a greater sense of optimism than ever before and with a reinvigorated partnership aimed at defeating HIV. President Zuma and the South African government are taking tremendous steps to bring together all stakeholders in this battle.  

  • Welcome Reception

    October 15, 2009: "While the general context that has brought us together is a foundation of shared values and friendship, we are realistically at the beginning of our face-to-face working relationship. Washington and Pretoria both have new administrations, led by Presidents pledging positive, concrete change for our people."  

  • On presenting his credentials to President Jacob Zuma

    October 1, 2009: "I am deeply honored that President Obama has asked me to represent the United States of America as his Ambassador to South Africa. This is a new era in our relations, and I consider it a privilege to serve my country in South Africa at this historic time."  

  • Senate Nomination Testimony

    July 21, 2009: "When I visited South Africa over a decade ago, I fell in love with its people, its story and its beauty. It would be a great honor to represent the United States as it supports South Africa's efforts to strengthen its multiracial democracy."