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Ambassador Donald Gips

  • Q&A With Donald Gips: Outgoing US Ambassador

    Destiny Man, December 7, 2012: I take with me so many wonderful memories and friendships from this extraordinarily fascinating and diverse country. It has been an honour to represent the United States in South Africa, but it has been equally enjoyable for me and my family to learn and experience all of the wonderful things the “Rainbow Nation” has to offer.  

  • Obama and I: An ambassador’s tale

    City Press, November 11, 2012: Donald Gips helped the president with his first campaign and then came to SA City Press » »

  • Obama was jealous of Michelle’s visit to SA

    City Press, November 10, 2012: US ambassador regrets that America’s first black president has not visited SA, but says there is something about Africa ingrained in him  

  • U.S. Envoy to Leave South Africa

    Wall Street Journal, November 9, 2012: The U.S. Ambassador to South Africa, Donald Gips, said Friday he is departing his post to return to Washington, after presiding over a bilateral relationship that has become far less frosty despite sharp differences over Libya and Iran.  

  • Democracy in action: Every four years, the US engages in its biggest test of democracy: presidential elections

    City Press, October 07, 2012: People both here and in the US follow our election as much as they would a sporting match. The difference is that the goals are scored by those with the ideas, policies and the style that most appeal to the American public. City Press »

  • Innovate to keep position as Africa’s ‘gateway’

    Business Day, June 15, 2012: Africa’s economies and young societies are the most exciting emerging market in the world, and that growing trade will create new jobs both here and in the US - article by Ambassador Donald Gips Business Day  »

  • Freedom Day, April 27, 2012

    City Press, April 22, 2012: "Happy Freedom Day, South Africa. As South Africans celebrate 18 years of democracy, the United States celebrates with you. Through the lessons of South Africa, and the work of our own people, America is reminded to strive for the idealistic image of ourselves that our citizens hold in their hearts." 

  • Africa, US need to work together to create employment

    Business Report, Mar 27, 2012: By playing an important role in Africa’s growing economic dynamism, US businesses can create more jobs both on the continent and in America. It’s simple: free trade builds jobs and bolsters economic growth for both partners.  

  • Helen Joseph is among the leaders of more than 20 000 women to the Union Buildings on August 9, 1956, to protest against the extension of the notorious pass laws of the apartheid regime.
    We need models of what works

    Daily News, Mar 22, 2012: Countries like South Africa show that democracy can work, that governments that listen to their people are the most successful and that basic principles of human dignity matter deeply. 

  • Cyril Ramaphosa watches Nelson Mandela sign the new constitution in 1996
    The Right Constitution: South Africa's constitution is a model for nations across the world

    Sunday Times, Feb 27, 2012: South Africa's constitution is a model for nations across the world. It gives the world a glimpse of what a country can become when people take their own destiny in hand and focus on the interests of everyone, not just their own. 

  • American baseball legend Jackie Robinson
    The man who changed America - for good

    February 14, 2012. The Sowetan: Ambassador Donald Gips writes about American baseball legend Jackie Robinson, who overcame adversity to become the first African American to play in the National Baseball League. February is National African American History Month, commemorating the contributions and struggles of African Americans and their role in the history of the United States. 

  • Let's Forge Youth Industry

    August 28, 2011. City Press: Young people around the world need hope, and a clear path to success. Are we marginalizing our young people, or are we treating them – and listening to them - as the valued community members that they are? It’s our choice, and how we respond will shape our collective future. 

  • A Diplomatic Path to Less Stress

    June 8, 2011 (Business Day) US Ambassador to SA Donald Gips tells Marika Sboros about the magic, stress and insanity of working in the White House, why he has broken so many bones over the years, and his vision for a better world for our children.  

  • How SA and the US are united states

    April 24, 2011 - Sunday Tribune America and South Africa seem poles apart politically, economically, socially and otherwise. But America’s ambassador to South Africa, Donald Gips, has instead been struck, during his 20 months here, by the great similarities. Article by Peter Fabricius in the Sunday Tribune.  

  • How US diplomats are using social media, inspired by the Obama campaign

    February 4, 2011. Memeburn In 2009, the US embassy in South Africa embarked on a new approach to diplomacy. We set up a Facebook page, started a Twitter account and established a presence on MXit, a mobile chat service which attracts millions of youth.  

  • Sudan: Reshaping their country

    February 1, 2011. Sowetan SOME of the most powerful images from this month's referendum in Sudan came from the sight of individuals of all ages and backgrounds standing patiently in line to vote. For me, watching from Pretoria, these photos mirrored pictures from another election, one held in 1994, when another people peacefully used the ballot to reshape their own country.  

  • We must all build on HIV/Aids success

    November 21, Sunday Times "In South Africa, our partnership with the government is saving thousands of lives. Pepfar support from 2004 to 2009 was more than R15-billion, and is helping about 650000 people receive antiretroviral treatment. 

  • Making a Difference

    October 29, 2010, Citizen: Ambassador Gips awarded over R1,8 million to various grassroots community projects as part of the US missions broader effort to combat HIV/Aids in South Africa. 

  • Let's walk a while: US Ambassador Donald Gips reflects on his first year in South Africa

    September 20, 2010, Times: "I can say that, over the past year, and not just during the World Cup, I have seen examples of South Africans in all positions, from the halls of government to the streets of townships and rural villages, all walking together."  

  • Rebooting innovation in South Africa

    April 1, 2010, Memeburn: "As South Africa continues to invest in human resources and skills, there must be a universal partnership to do this across society. The government, private sector, NGOs, unions and everyday citizens should all work together in acknowledging and supporting the critical role of innovation in building social capital and fostering entrepreneurship."  

  • Obama's make-a-plan man in SA

    October 4, 2009, Sunday Independent: Gips believes South Africa is at a point where he and his country, spurred on by Obama's good wishes for Africa, might be able to help "make a difference". Gips is an enthusiast, yet he knows he must tread humbly, that there is healing to be done in the US-South Africa relationship after the damage done during the Bush years.  

Ambassador in the media box

  • This page contains articles & Op-Eds written by Ambassador Gips as well as other media coverage of the Ambassador.