CDF Run 2 Electroweak Public Results

Now a subset of the Standard Model group
For more information, contact the SM conveners, Bo Jayatilaka, Mark Lancaster, Christina Mesropian

W Mass, W Width, BR

Analysis Results Data Sets Documentation
W mass
NEW! Feb 2012
80387 ± 12 (stat.) ± 15 (syst.) MeV/c2
= 80387 ± 19 MeV/c2
2.2 fb-1 2012 Winter Conference Note
W+C , arxiv:1203.0275 , Phys. Rev. Lett. 108 151803 (2012)
W to π γ
Oct 2009
BR < 6.4 x 10-5 @ 95% CL
4.3 fb-1 arxiv:1104.1585
Phys. Rev D 85, 032001 (2012)
W width
Feb 2007
ΓW = 2032 ± 45(stat.) ± 57(syst.) MeV
= 2032 ± 73 MeV
350 pb-1 PRL 100 071801 (2008)

Diboson Production

Analysis Results Data Sets Documentation
NEW! Jan 2013
ZZ Cross Section (lll'l'+llvv)
σ(ppbar→ZZ)=1.38+0.28-0.27pb 9.7 fb-1 note
NEW! ZZ resonance search oh boy - oh well 6 fb-1 arxiv:1111.3432
Phys. Rev. D85 012008 (2012)
WZ production
now with TGC limits
June 2011
σ(ppbar -> Z + W) = 3.9 ± 0.8 pb
7.1 fb-1 Public note
TGC Public note
ZZ Cross Section 4 leptons
April 2011
2.18 +0.64 -0.63 ± 0.30 pb
llvv and llll (published) 1.64 +0.44 -0.38
6.1 fb-1 arxiv:1112.2978
PRL 108 (2012) 101801
Invariant Mass Distribution of Jet Pairs Produced in Association with a W boson
April (4.3 fb-1)/ June (7.3 fb-1) 2011
3.2 σ excess of events in the 140-160 GeV region with 4.3 fb -1; 4.1 σ with 7.3 fb -1 4.3 fb-1 & 7.3 fb-1 4.3 fb -1 : arxiv:1104.0699, Phys.Rev.Lett.106:171801 (2011), web-page

7.3 fb -1 : web-page

ZZ to llvv
December 2010
σ(ppbar -> Z + Z) = 1.45 +0.60 -0.51 ± 0.7 pb 5.9 fb-1 Public note
WZ and ZZ production
July 2010
σ(ppbar -> Z + W) = 4.1 ± 0.7 pb
σ(ppbar -> Z + Z) = 1.7 +1.2 -0.7 ± 0.2 pb
6 fb-1 Public note
Z + γ production
July 2010 rev June 2011
coupling limits - see text 5 fb-1 arxiv:1103.2990 PRL 107 051802(2011)
Z + γ production
Sept 2009
σ(ppbar -> Z + γ) = 4.6 ± 0.5 pb
|hZ3| <0.050, |hZ4| <0.0034
|hγ3| <0.051, |hγ4| <0.0034
1.1 fb-1 (ee) and 2.0 fb-1(μμ) and MET Phys. Rev. D82 031103 (2010)
four lepton ZZ
August 2009
σ(ZZ) =1.56 +0.80 -0.63 ± 0.25 pb 4.8 fb-1 public note
jet jet mass / matrix element
August 2009
σ(WW/WZ+X) =14.4 ± 3.1 ± 2.2 pb /
σ WW/WZ+X =17.7 ± 3.9 pb
3.9 fb-1 / 2.7 fb-1 arXiv:0911.4449
jet jet lepton met jet jet mass update/
ME update February 2010
σ(WW/WZ+X) =18.1 ± 3.3 ± 2.5 pb /
16.5 +3.3 -3.0 pb
4.3 fb-1 /
4.6 fb-1
jet jet met
June 2009
σ(VV+X) =18.6 ± 2.8 ± 2.4 ± 1.1 pb 3.5 fb-1 arXiv:0905.4714
PR Plot Showing W/Z/Top/Diboson/Higgs Xsec measurements and limits
July 2011
Upto 8 fb-1 Plots: CDF Cross sections (log scale) .png,
CDF Cross section ratio to theory (linear scale) .png,
CDF/D0 Cross sections (log scale) .png,
CDF/D0 Cross section ratio to theory (linear scale) .png.
WW->llνν now with TGC limits
Apr (Jul) 2009
σ(ppbar -> WW) = 12.1 ± 0.9 +1.6 -1.4 pb 3.6 fb-1 Public Note
arXiv:0912:4500 PRL 104 201801 (2010)
WZ(->3l, l=e,μ) cross section
Aug 2007
σ(ppbar -> WZ) = 4.3 + 1.4 - 1.1 pb 1.9 fb-1 PRL 98, 161801
Describing 1.1 fb-1 observation
WZ Anomalous Triple Gauge Couplings (lllν channel)
Jan 2008
Λ = 2.0
-0.13 < λ < 0.14
-0.13 < Δ g < 0.23
-0.76 < Δ κ < 1.18
1.9 fb-1 Public Note (coming soon)
WZ Anomalous Triple Gauge Couplings (lljj channel)
Sep 2008
Λ = 2.0
-0.16 < λ < 0.17
-0.20 < Δ g < 0.29
-1.01 < Δ κ < 1.27
1.9 fb-1 Public Note (coming soon)
ZZ Anomalous Triple Gauge Couplings
Jun 2008
Λ = 1.2 TeV
-0.12 < f4Z < 0.12
-0.13 < f5Z < 0.12
-0.10 < f4γ < 0.10
-0.11 < f5γ < 0.11
1.9 fb-1 Public Note (coming soon)
First measurement of ZZ production
Jan 2008
σ(ppbar -> ZZ) = 1.4 + 0.7 - 0.6 pb (4.4 σ significance) 1.9 fb-1 hep-ex/0801.4806
Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 201801 (2008)
Search for WW/WZ(->e/μ + 2 jets)
Dec 2007
σ(ppbar -> WW+WZ)xBR = 1.47 ± 0.77(stat) ± 0.38(sys) pb
σ(ppbar -> WW+WZ)xBR < 2.88 pb @95% C.L.
1.2 fb-1 1.2 fb-1
W(->l ν) γ cross sections
June 2007
σ(ppbar -> W + γ) = 18.0 ± 2.8 pb
1.1 fb-1 Public note (coming soon)
WW(->ee / μ μ / e μ) cross section
March 2006
σ(ppbar -> WW) = 13.6 ± 2.3 (stat) ± 1.6 (syst) ± 1.2 (lum) pb 825 pb-1 hep-ex/0605066
(Moriond Proceedings)

W/Z Cross Sections and Asymmetries

Analysis Results Data Sets Documentation
NEW! Jan 2013
Measurement of sin2θW (or indirect MW) using Z→e+e
sin2θefflept = 0.2328 ± 0.0010
MW(Indirect) = 80.297 ± 0.055 GeV/c2
2.1 fb-1 Note
NEW! Z/γ*->ee PT distribution
Nov 2011 subm Aug 2012
See plots and tables 2.1 fb-1 arxiv:1207.7138
PRD 86,052010 (2012)
Z/γ*->ee : Angular Distributions, sin2θW
Feb 2011
Demonstration of Lam-Tung relation; A4 = 0.1098 ± 0.0079 ; sin2θW = 0.2329 ± 0.0008 (A4) +0.0010-0.0009(QCD Theory) 2.1 fb-1 arxiv:1103.5699, Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 241801 (2011)
Oct 2009
Will eventualy extract couplings 4.1 fb-1 Public Note
May 2009
Spectrum consistent with (N)NLO calculation + (N)NLO PDFs 2.1 fb-1 Public Note
Systematics Discussion
Phys. Lett. B692 232 (2010)
W(->eν) charge asymmetry
Jan 2009
Comparison between CDF and D0 charge asymmetries
Jan 2010
W boson charge asymmetry vs W rapidity 1.0 fb-1 PRL 102, 181801
Z-Boson Invisible Width
Aug 2007
Γ(Z -> invisible) = 466 ± 42 MeV 1.0 fb-1 None
Z(->ee) forward-backward asymmetry AFB consistent with SM (χ2/DF 10.2/12) 364 pb-1 Public Note
Z(->tau_h tau_e) cross section σ(ppbar->Z) =
264 ± 23 (stat) ± 14 (sys) ± 15 (lum)
350 pb-1 PRD 75, 092004
W cross section
with forward electrons
σ(ppbar -> W) = 2.796 ± 0.013 (stat)
+ 0.095 - 0.090 (syst) ± 0.168 (lum) nb
223 pb-1 PRL 98, 251801

Previous Results

Analysis Results Data Sets Documentation
W mass
Jan 2007
80413 ± 34 (stat.) ± 34 (syst.) MeV/c2
= 80413 ± 48 MeV/c2
200 pb-1 Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 151801 (2007).

Phys. Rev. D 77, 112001 (2008).
W mass combination eps gif
Aug 2009
Tevatron Combination (updated for 2009 D0): 80420 ± 31 MeV/c2
Tevatron+LEP Combination: 80399 ± 23 MeV/c2
0.2 CDF, 1.0 D0 fb-1 FERMILAB-TM-2439-E
W mass
Jun 2008
Plots (statistical error only) from the 2.3 fb-1 analysis. 2.3 fb-1 Public Plots
WW/WZ(->e/μ + 2 jets) cross section
Jan 2007
σ(ppbar -> WW+WZ) < 36 pb
-0.51 < Δ κ < 0.44
-0.28 < λ < 0.28
AC Limits obtained from combined analysis with Wγ
350 pb-1 Phys. Rev. D 76, 111103 (2007)
W(->e/μ ν), Z(->ee or μμ)
+ γ cross sections
σ(ppbar -> W + γ) = 18.1 ± 3.1 pb
σ(ppbar -> Z + γ) = 4.6 ± 0.5 ± 0.2 pb
200 pb-1 PRL 94, 041803
WW(->ee/μ μ/e μ) cross section
and WW(->e/μ + track) cross section
σ(ppbar -> WW) = 14.6 + 5.8 - 5.1 (stat)
+ 1.8 -3.0 (syst) ± 0.9 (lum) pb
200 pb-1 PRL 94, 211801
WZ/ZZ(->2l/3l/4l, l=e,μ) search σ(ppbar -> WZ+ZZ) < 15.2 pb 200 pb-1 PRD 71, 091105
Z(->μμ) cross section σ(ppbar->Z) =
261.2 ± 2.7 (stat) + 5.8 - 6.9 (sys) ± 15.1 (lum) pb
337 pb-1 None
W(->e ν) lepton charge asymmetry Lepton charge asymmetry vs |η| (<2.5)
for 2 ET bins (25-35 GeV, 35-45 GeV)
170 pb-1 PRD 71, 051104
Z(->ee) forward-backward asymmetry AFB consistent with SM (χ2/DF 15.7/15) 72 pb-1 PRD 71, 052002
W(->e/μ ν), Z(->ee or μμ)
cross sections
R = σ(ppbar->W)/σ(ppbar->Z)
= 10.84 ± 0.15 ± 0.14
Γ(W) = 2092 ± 42 MeV
|Vcs| = 0.976 ± 0.030
72 pb-1 J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 34 (2007) 2457-2544

PRL 94, 091803
W(->τ(h) ν) cross section σ(ppbar->W) =
2.62 ± 0.07 (stat) ± 0.21 (sys) ± 0.16 (lum)
BR(W->tau nu)/BR(W->e nu) =
0.99 ± 0.04 (stat) ± 0.07 (sys)
72 pb-1 Nucl. Phys. B: Proc. Suppl. 144, 323-332

Last updated Feb 24, 2012 by Mark Lancaster