Technology Assessment & Research (TA&R) Program - Operational Safety and Engineering Research

Concurrently, industry continues to conduct exploratory drilling operators on shallow water areas of the Gulf of Mexico focused upon finding new oil and natural gas accumulations which are being identified by technologically advanced geophysical data collection and computer-assisted analyses systems. Companies also continue to operate several thousand production platforms and subsea pipelines of various ages and operational efficiencies. As these platforms and pipelines continue to age, BSEE is becoming increasingly concerned with means to ensure the integrity of these older facilities and is sponsoring research on the means available to conduct such assessments and processes available to correct or reverse problematic aging events. Finally, as platforms and associated production facilities reach the end of their useful lives is currently happening in the Gulf of Mexico and offshore Southern California  decommissioning and removal are required. National and International focus upon this process has identified numerous safety and long-term environmental concerns which must be addressed by BSEE regulatory personnel as such operations proceed. Multi-year research projects are being  formulated by BSEE to assess the most feasible means of decommissioning and removal of these facilities including the possible impacts on the marine environment as well as related onshore impacts arising from regulatory decisions.

The first commercial development of oil discoveries on Federal portions of the Beaufort Sea Offshore Alaska also present special challenges to the Bureau TA&R Program particularly the forces associated with sea ice and potential impacts of ice forces upon the production structures and pipelines necessary to produce these discoveries.

TA&R Projects List 001-099 TA&R Projects List 100-199
TA&R Projects List 200-299 TA&R Projects List 300-399
TA&R Projects List 400-499  TA&R Projects List 500-599 
TA&R Projects List 600-699  TA&R Projects List 700-799
 Technology Assessment and Research (TA&R) Projects Lists
099 Measurement of Ice Stress Around a Caisson Retained Island in the Beaufort Sea    
097 Engineering Properties of Multi-year Ridge Sea Ice 098 Punching Shear Resistance of Concrete Offshore Structures for the Arctic
095 Structural Icing Study, St. George Basin 096 Probability Based Design Criteria for Ice Loads on Fixed Structures in the Beaufort Sea
093 Site-Response, Liquefaction and Soil-Pile Interaction Studies Involving the Centrifuge 094 Dynamic Motion Study of a Large Scale Compliant Platform
091 Underwater Subsea Production System Inspection 092 A Theoretical Investigation on the Behavior of Compliant Risers
089 Wave Erosion of a Frozen Berm 090 Evaluation of Short, Large-Diameter Piles for Arctic Applications
087 Mechanical Properties of Saline Ice 088 Inspectibility of Tension Leg Platform Tendons
083 Numerical Modeling of Ice-Structure Interaction 086 ATOS (Antiturbidity Overflow System) Experiment
081 Fatigue of Selected High Strength Steels in Sea Water 082 Numerical Wave Force Simulation
079 Offshore Pipeline Transportation Study for Lease Sale 87 080 Development of a New Philosophy for Effective Underwater Inspection
077 Ice Stress Measurements 078 Structural Concepts for Lease Sale 87
075 Remote Corrosion Monitoring of Offshore Pipelines 076 Damage Mechanisms in the Placement and Repair of Pipelines
073 Soil Flow on Pipelines 074 Drag and Oscillation of Marine Risers and Slack Cables
071 Assessment of Analysis Techniques for Compliant Structures 072 Torsional Evaluation of Stiffening Members in Marine Structures
069 Reliability of Gravel Mat Foundations for Arctic Gravity Structures 070 Trace Elements for Detecting Cracking in Weldments
067 Rig Mooring Reliability 068 Seafloor Seismic Data Study
065 De-icing and Prevention of Ice Formation on Offshore Drilling Platforms 066 Evaluation of Structural Concepts for Norton Sound
063 Analytical and Experimental Investigations of the Behavior of Tubular Frames, Phase III 064 Caisson Monitoring Project
061 Superstructure Icing Data Collection and Analysis 062 Southern Bering Sea Production System Study
059 Foundation Stability of Jack-up Platforms 060 Tension Pile Test, Joint Industry Project
057 Static Lateral Load Tests on Instrumented Piles in Sand 058 Wave Forces on Ocean Structures
055 Fracture Analysis and Corrosion Fatigue in Pipelines 056 Assessment of Structural Icing
053 Behavior of Concrete Offshore Structures in Cold Regions 054 Pile Foundation Design for Ocean Structures
051 Engineering Properties of Subsea Permafrost 052 Dynamics and Reliability of Compliant Drilling and Production Platforms
049 Fitness-for-Service Criteria for Assessing the Significance of Fatigue Cracks in Offshore Structures 050 Development and Testing of an Ice Sensor
047 Study of Method of Design of Piles in Clay Soils Under Repeated Lateral Loads 048 A Study of Structural and Geotechnical Aspects of Tension Leg Platforms
045 Field Study of the Dynamic Response of Single Piles and Pile Groups in Stiff Clay 046 Behavior of Piles and Pile Groups in Cohesionless Soils
043 Ice Forces Against Arctic Offshore Structures 044 Environmental Effects of Wellhead Removal by Explosives
041 Ultrasonic Inspection of Underwater Structural Joints 042 Arctic Underwater Structure Inspection
039 Cryogenic Control of Blowing Wells 040 Mechanical Properties of Sea Ice
037 Structural Materials for Arctic Operations 038 Statistical Risk Analysis for Determining Best Available and Safest Technology (BAST)
035 Gas Generator for Powering the Cavitation Erosion Cleaning Device of Project Number 4 036 Summary of State of Louisiana's Oil Spill Regulations and Programs For Platforms and Pipelines Located in State Waters (OPA 90)
033 Vibration Monitoring of Offshore Structures 034 Nondestructive Examination (NDE) Round Robin Test Agent
031 Technology Assessment for Offshore Pile Design 032 Recapture of Oil from Blowing Wells
029 Deepwater Structures Technology Assessment 030 Acoustic Imaging Technology for Underwater Inspection
027 Technology Assessment for Cementing Shallow Casings 028 Casing Wall Thickness Technology
025 Overpressures Developed by Shaped Explosive Charges Used to Remove Wellheads 026 Detection and Suppression of Wellhead Fires
023 Incipient Structural Failure by the Random Decrement Method 024 Technology Assessment for Estimating Hydrocarbons Lost During a Blowout
021 Underwater Acoustic Telemetry 022 Pattern Recognition Technology
019 Hurricane - Driven Ocean Currents 020 Toxic Effects of Drill Mud on Coral
017 Fire Suppression Technology 018 Overpressured Marine Sediments
015 Hardhat Communicator 016 Technology Assessment for Outer Continental Shelf, Oil and Gas Operations in the Arctic Ocean
013 Fluidic Pulser for Mud Pulse Telemetry 014 Fluidic Sensor for Hydrocarbon & Hydrogen Sulfide Gas
011 Portable Data Recorder for USGS inspectors 012 Technology Assessment
009 Ultrasonic Flowmeter Evaluation 010 Subsea Inspection
007 Unmanned, Untethered Inspection Vehicle Technology (the EAVE Program) 008 Blowout Prevention Procedures for Deepwater Drilling
005 Attenuating Surface Waves in a Localized Region of the Open Ocean 006 Research Program Advisory
003 Incipient Crack Detection in Offshore Structures 004 Cavitating Water Jet Cleaning Nozzle
001 Underwater Inspection/Testing/Monitoring of Offshore Structures 002 Dynamic Response of Offshore Structures

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TA&R Projects List 001-099  TA&R Projects List 100-199
TA&R Projects List 200-299 TA&R Projects List 300-399
TA&R Projects List 400-499  TA&R Projects List 500-599 
TA&R Projects List 600-699  TA&R Projects List 700-799


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