Technology Assessment & Research (TA&R) Program - Operational Safety and Engineering Research

Concurrently, industry continues to conduct exploratory drilling operators on shallow water areas of the Gulf of Mexico focused upon finding new oil and natural gas accumulations which are being identified by technologically advanced geophysical data collection and computer-assisted analyses systems. Companies also continue to operate several thousand production platforms and subsea pipelines of various ages and operational efficiencies. As these platforms and pipelines continue to age, BSEE is becoming increasingly concerned with means to ensure the integrity of these older facilities and is sponsoring research on the means available to conduct such assessments and processes available to correct or reverse problematic aging events. Finally, as platforms and associated production facilities reach the end of their useful lives is currently happening in the Gulf of Mexico and offshore Southern California  decommissioning and removal are required. National and International focus upon this process has identified numerous safety and long-term environmental concerns which must be addressed by BSEE regulatory personnel as such operations proceed. Multi-year research projects are being  formulated by BSEE to assess the most feasible means of decommissioning and removal of these facilities including the possible impacts on the marine environment as well as related onshore impacts arising from regulatory decisions.

The first commercial development of oil discoveries on Federal portions of the Beaufort Sea Offshore Alaska also present special challenges to the Bureau TA&R Program particularly the forces associated with sea ice and potential impacts of ice forces upon the production structures and pipelines necessary to produce these discoveries.

TA&R Projects List 001-099 TA&R Projects List 100-199
TA&R Projects List 200-299 TA&R Projects List 300-399
TA&R Projects List 400-499  TA&R Projects List 500-599 
TA&R Projects List 600-699  TA&R Projects List 700-799
 Technology Assessment and Research (TA&R) Projects Lists
714 The Effects of Healing on the Resistance to Frictional Sliding of Sea Ice   713 Assessment of BOP Stack Sequencing, Monitoring and Kick Detection Technologies
710 Safety of Renewable Energy Operation in the US Outer Continental Shelf 711  Perform a Bathymetric Survey of Grounded Ice Feature in Chukchi Sea
704 Climatology and Simulation of Eddies/Eddy Joint Industry Project (CASE/EJIP) 708 Hydrodynamics of Disconnectable Turret Systems (DISCO)
701 Structural Integrity of Offshore Wind Turbines - Oversight of Design, Fabrication, and Installation 702 2011-2012 Freeze-up Study of the Alaskan Beaufort and Chukchi Seas
    700 Seabed Scour and Buried-Pipeline Deformation Due to Ice Ridges: Pipeline Stress and Deformation

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TA&R Projects List 001-099 TA&R Projects List 100-199
TA&R Projects List 200-299 TA&R Projects List 300-399
TA&R Projects List 400-499  TA&R Projects List 500-599 
TA&R Projects List 600-699  TA&R Projects List 700-799


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