Conduct Business Online

A sound e-business strategy has helped many U.S. companies to reduce their costs and increase their productivity and sales. The Internet allows you to do international business independent of time differences and office hours. The resources in this section will help you better understand how e-commerce can help your export business.

In this section, you will:

  • Determine your online strategy for your target market
  • Determine what enhancements you might need to make to your website (e.g., online payment)
  • Understand web security requirements, potential scams, etc.

Tools & Resources:


  • Is the Internet a sales channel for your company?
  • Is your web presence merely promotional, or will you/can you handle online payments?
  • Do you need to translate your site into the language(s) of your target market(s)?

Stuck? Speak with a trade specialist at 800-USA-TRADE

Go! Find additional information and resources to refine your plan.

Proceed to the next section, Get Logistical Support.