Step-by-Step Guide to Going Online

Use these steps as a guide to creating your website and marketing your company overseas using the internet and key service providers.

The picture lists numbers one through five with captions next to each number which are references to the five sections discussed below the picture.  1: SELECT DOMAIN NAME, 2: REGISTER SEARCH ENGINE, 3: CHOOSE WEB HOST, 4: WEBSITE CONTENT, 5: EXECUTE ORDERS

1. Select A Domain Name

Selecting a domain name for your company's international website(s) is the first important decision you'll make and can potentially have significant marketing implications.

2. Register at Search Engines

Help potential customers find your website by registering with the major search engines in the countries you wish to target.

3. Choose a Web Host

Find a dependable web hosting service to house your localized website(s). Many hosting providers offer additional value-added services such as site maintenance, search registration, site development, etc.

4. Website Content – Localize and Internationalize

Target international customers by tailoring your website to local language and cultural tastes. Learn more about selling globally from your e-commerce site with our Preparing Your Business for Global E-Commerce: A Guide for Online Retailers to Manage Operations, Inventory, and Payment Issues manual.

5. Execute Orders

Enable your customers to use a variety of payment options that meet local business practices and be aware of other considerations when doing international business such as taxes, shipping, customs duties, and after sales service.