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Technical Service Center

Client Support and Technical Presentations Office


Christi Young, Manager (CYoung@usbr.gov)
Phone: (303) 445-2561   Fax: (303) 445-6356
Building 67, 7th Floor, 86-68010
Denver Federal Center, Denver, Colorado 80225-0007

The Client Support and Technical Presentations Office (86-68010) provides client liaisons, writers, editors, illustrators and graphic artists to ensure that your team works productively and your message is communicated effectively.

We facilitate work flow for the TSC

A small group of client liaisons and program assistants/analysts support team leaders and establish and maintain relationships with TSC clients to ensure that your work is completed on time and on budget with a high quality product. See

We help you communicate through words and images:

Our professional graphic designers, illustrators, writers, and editors can get your point across--and make sure you look and sound great. See our graphic capabilities.

We can help identify and reach your audience--whether visitors to a visitor center, Congress to approve a planning report. We fine tune your message so that your audience understands--and acts. See our writing capabilities.



Call us for all your communication needs:

View our recent work
| Posters | Meetings | Brochures |Newsletters |Environmental and planning documents |Technical reports | Manuals | Training materials | Web design | CD and PDF Creation